Meeting 1095 July 25, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:05 pm - thinking of spleens 27 people attended The minutes for meeting 1094 were accepted as 'Garcia' the Treasurer reported that meeting 1092 took in $0.50 in the regular jar; that meeting 1093 took in $19.75 in the regular jar; & that meeting 1094 took in $6.25 in the regular jar & $5.60 in the party jar The VP reported that there's a 'Drink Tank' out & there will be a new 'Drink Tank' out 'soon' - check & he's planning to 'nub-u-lize' his fingers; plus he is in mourning because Bob Hole is ceasing production of e2PMI The President warned that Worldcon is fast approaching & that both he & the secretary will miss next Monday's meeting Star Wars night at the Giants is still Sept 4 Announcements: Ken announced that there is a 2 Legion of Rasselon meeting this Friday at the Carls Jr on 1st & Trimble; & announced that on Aug 4th he will do a radio show from 10am till 2pm on KFJC & on Aug 6th will be a Psychotronic film festival at Foothill college & announced that this Fri,Sat,Sun will have a showing of 'The Princess Bride' at the Retrodome I announced that I had free espresso candy for folks to try if they wanted Adrienne announced that the Hugo deadline for voting is July 31 & that there'll be a ghost walk special event for Renovation - check their website & announced that on Aug 6 Bay Area Ghost Hunters will have a psychic at noon at the Livermore public library, $10.00 Spring announced that Vinticon will be Oct 7-9 in Lodi Lisa announced that Mythcon next year will be Aug 3-6 in Berkeley - check for details Andy announced that Renovation in Reno is real soon . . . yeeeeeeaaaahhh . . . and that Masquerade has 14 pre-registrations so far - which is a lot for pre-reg Dave C announced that Cargo Cult books shows up on Google maps & announced that the new SFX is out, the Captain America issue [evil] Kevin announced that the August issue of 'Yipe' will be fantasy themed and they are looking for content = Howeird announced that today's birthdays include Summer Glau & JLo & announced that this Sunday at 1:30pm at Shoup Park on University in Los Altos - Ye Olde Town Band will give a free concert, kid friendly [tall] Kevin mumbled something Chris announced that Lynda said 'hi BASFA!' Jo announced that the Westercon twitter feed is 'Westercon' Reviews: Lisa reviewed Mythcon & back again as it was fun; they stopped at a place called the 'Roadkill Cafe' that had good food; they stopped at the Copperdale Studio and the artist is a real nice guy; the con was successful, 180 attendees and it was so much fun the 2 GoHs each wanted to have a Mythcon in their home cities - plus the hotel was decent - and overall she was pleased Andy reviewed Torchwood ep 3 as 'sexy' and it still has interesting things going on in it; Adrienne follow-on'd that she also liked it and that episode 7 is said to be sexier Harold reviewed 'The Franchise' as someone is -still- going to have to tranquilize Brian Wilson & it's definitely worth seeing; he reviewed 'Captain America' as he enjoyed it, worth bargain matinee Adrienne reviewed 'Blackout' by Connie Willis as she was able to read it through, recommends it and is annoyed that the publishers broke a thick book into 3 booklets & reviewed 'Scott Pilgrim' as OMG she would've enjoyed it if it had been funny Dave G reviewed the SF Picasso exhibit as disappointing - as small [Spring: 'really small'] - compared with the Seattle exhibit; Chris follow-on'd that he was also disappointed in that it lacked text for context Fred reviewed the SF Museum of Modern Art's Stein exhibit as he was very impressed, it was great & recommends buying the audio for the tour and budget at least 3 hours for it; Mo pointed out that the Steins are local and had a great impact upon the US art scene Dave C reviewed 'Cthulhi Reigns' by Darrel Schweitzer as torturous & reviewed the Madison, WI Doubletree as clean and very nice Chris reviewed the film trailer for 'OSS 117:lost in Rio' as the best trailer of all time; reviewed Gail Carriger's 'Heartless' as highly entertaining & reviewed Borders as they accepted his certificates Ken reviewed the SJ Giantas as very nice & Geri follow-on'd that it was great fun & well-priced We did auctions = birthday auctions off Ken for $12.00 to Geri; sold a poster for $0.50; books for $1.00 & $5.00; a fan for $8.00; magazines for $1.00, $1.00 & $0.25, an organizer for $1.25, bags for $0.75, & cookies for $1.00 we adjourned at 9:37 pm Rumor of the Week: 'they said she had to go to BASFA and we said 'no no no' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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