Announcing the creation of Bullshit! The Speculatively Fictitious Fanzine. All 
and sundry are invited to take part in the inaugural issue of Bullshit! Fan
writing of all types is welcome and encouraged, with the single requirement 
that the main thrust of the piece may not be true. It may be a bold-faced lie, 
a fabri- cation, a tall tale, a flight of fancy, an article of spurious logic, 
or a fib.
Anything but the truth.
The Editor, however, shall reserve the right to reject material of a slanderous 
Fan art, too, is welcome and encouraged, with the caveat that it may not be in 
the creatorÂ’s own distinctive style. It may be of some material outside of the 
artistÂ’s milieu, an imitation of a well-known artist, or a parodic work. This 
should be taken as an invitation to explore new territory, free from the 
confines of rep- utation.
The Editor shall be known by the name of William Housel, and will receive 
submissions at the electronic address of The dead- 
line for submissions to the initial issue of Bullshit! shall be Wednesday, the 
Basfa mailing list

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