So, 8 o'clock at Coco's in Sunnyvale? I think I might actually make it to a real BASFA meeting on the 16th!! Had a less than exciting time doing jury stuff for Santa Clara County the last day and a half. I think being on the jury would be very interesting, but I would have gotten very poor during a long trial. The defense did not want to empanel anyone who knew too much about DNA--bad sign. I will finally find out why Evil Kevin is Evil! Will be giving sci-fi to a nice Russian-American boy. Loaned him some Heinlein which he liked. He's already a total Asimov fan (I believe Asimov lived locally, and founded the Humanist Community). I think....Bujold, Jack Vance, and....miscellanous. Anne **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! ( %3D62%26bcd%3DfebemailfooterNO62)
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