Meeting 1087

May 30, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8-ish pm - with comments on reality TV

we established a party jar

30 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1086 were accepted as 'better than the Baycon dead
dog party'

the Treasurer reported that he had eaten and that at meeting 1086 we took in
$28.75 in the regular jar & $13.25 in the party jar

The VP reported that there's a new 'Claims Department' on -
and a new issue of 'Exhibition Hall' is out and yes ... yes - the next
'Journey Planet' has no theme - with a deadline in mid-July & he plans to
start 2 new zines - 'DANGER Zone' and 'Actual Bed Head'

The President greeted our 2 guests - Baycon Guests of Honor - Mary Robinette
Kowal & John Picacio

Lisa announced that Westercon has a Baycon discount for membership that is
good till June 5th and she has all the Westercon reg stuff with her here &
that registration can be done online with the code 'pancetta'

Mike announced that there will be free concerts at Vasona Park every
Saturday in June & July

Bob announced that there is a new issue of E2PMI available on
efanzines.comfrom about 10 days ago - also check

[evil] Kevin announced that the newest issue of 'Yipe' is about to come out
& Jason has had a learning experience

Chris announced that fan artist and writer Terry Jeeves had died

Baycon was reviewed - Mo found enthusiasm for Silicon there and sold many
memberships & had a good time; Dave C was confined to the Dealer's room,
sales were 'meh' and he witnessed a possible coup - saw the fireworks and
then the car alarm chorus, worth full price; Bill had fun, saw good panels
and noted that filking had a lot of noisy competition; Carole noted 'Hiss
and Purr' took 2 hours, she had a good time & thought they ran too many
similar panels at the same time in competition for the same audience; Lisa
enjoyed what she saw but spent most of her time at either the Westercon
table or the Westercon room party - and outside of their party it felt dead
- she also felt the handicapped hotel rooms were tiny & designed bizarrely;
Chris was very popular as a GoH tour guide & his fanzine lounge helped save
the con for him - plus Chris helped pimp Mary Robinette Kowal's book 'Shades
of Milk & Honey' [check] & overall he had a
wonderful time & enjoyed bringing both of Baycon's GoH's here to BASFA;
[evil] Kevin desperately needed to relax and his panels went well - although
he is allergic to unicorns - and they invented both 'The Miskatonic' and
'The Lovecraftian Hawaiian Spritzer' and the Tiki Dalek pwned the entire
convention & had his own ribbon chain; Mary Robinette Kowal was in love with
Tiki Dalek; Diane was sucked into Baycon by the power of the Tiki Dalek
conga line; Adrienne thought the con's energy level was down & Dave G
managed a very elaborate pun

Then I reviewed '13 Assassins' as a vigorous movie about getting samurai
killed, worth matinee & reviewed 'Kung Fu Panda 2' as not as good as the
first movie but still better than most others, although the end credits
aren't really worth sitting thru - still worth full price; Trey opined that
both movies were worth matinee

Dann reviewed the art show in Fanime as he was really impressed with what he
saw & he has a ball every year he is there - the costuming is excellent and
the energy level is extreme & 22,000 attendees were incredibly polite and
well-managed; Mo follow-on'd that Fanime was wonderful, the city loves them
and the costumes are fabulous

John O reviewed Fanime as there were some light rail/transportation
adventures & the con was bustling with activity - that artist alley was
immense, larger than the dealer's room & definitely worth going down to
check out

Fred reviewed SkeptiCal - a small Berkeley skeptic's convention - as very

We did auctions:   DVDs for $1.00, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25 & $0.25;
magazines for $0.25  & a box for $5.00

we adjourned at 9:47 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'Looks like a good place to dump the body'

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