Meeting 1086 May 23, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8-ish pm - with the Sharks circling the drain we established a party jar 24 people attended The minutes for meeting 1084 were accepted as 'Contiki 2 - invasion of the daleks' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1085 we took in $5.10 in the regular jar & $14.10 in the party jar The VP reported that there's a new 'Drink Tank' out & on - and that new issues of 'Journey Planet', 'Claims Department' & 'Exhibition Hall' should be out soon The President had nothing fannish to report A motion was proposed to renumber the minutes & voted down Adrienne asked the sense of the meeting about adopting Craig Ferguson as a BASFA member and this was positive ... and that next week's meeting will be held at Coco's Announcements: Mo announced that she will be at Baycon, mainly at the Silicon fan table [evil] Kevin announced that Renovation will have the Foglio's as Masquerade hosts - that there will be awesome halftime activities - 4 judges have been names & applications for the Masquerade are now online Lisa announced that Gallifrey's room block has sold out - tho there are non-Con-rate rooms still available Howeird announced that there will be a free band concert in Los Altos, at Shoup Park this Sunday 1-3:30pm [ish] & to bring your own lawn chair Dave C announced that Dolores Fuller has died Glenn announced that [tall] Kevin says 'hi' & announced that Westercon will have a fan table at Baycon & a room party this weekend & there will be a tea given for Patricia McKillip in the con suite, with harp music, most likely on Saturday Mike announced that he brought in a comic to pass around & that he's looking for a good Toyota mechanic Chris announced that Randy Savage died & 'what the hell?' & announced that he will be doing a fanzine lounge at Baycon Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 6pm till midnight Steve announced that he will be at Baycon with chocolate ... really GOOD chocolate - and will share Reviews: Glenn reviewed 'being on KFJC live radio [with Dave C & Kevin S] as a lot of fun & reviewed Guy Gavriel Kay's book 'Tigana' as larger in scope & really well written Dave C reviewed 'Pirates 4' as lacking the coherancy of plot of 'At World's End' & worth matinee, there were follow-ons & Chris commented that it had a lot of the elements from Powers' book 'On Stranger Tides' and was mostly fun & that 3 cents of every ticket goes to Tim Powers Howeird reviewed 'The Tavern', seen at Lohman Theatre at Foothill College as most of the cast was quite good & reviewed 'Pirates 4' as Penelope Cruz wore too much clothing, that Depp was amusing & mentioned mermaid bondage as 'fishy' - he recommends seeing it in 2D Chris reviewed seeing Evelyn in a school theatre thing as 'play-writers should be strangled' - then reviewed seeing 2 seasons of 'True Blood' as it saved us all from the Rapture & considered it as 'Twi-like' with more boobage Jo reviewed the NorthWest Leather Celebration as 'striking' & reviewed being in Joplin, Missouri a week before their tornado and here this week as priceless Carole reviewed Maker's Faire as people loved her coat & it was worth the price of admission, but the faire seemed to lack the energy it had in year's past Mo reviewed Maker's Faire as greatg & she had a great time there Harold reviewed watching boxing on HBO as it was a good fight & reviewed 'Priest' as 'not an actively evil movie' but so predictable that if you can't figure out what is going to happen then you should be ashamed of yourself & it was not worth paying for & he reviewed seeing a copy of the 'Magna Carta' from 1217 at the DeYoung Museum as cool We did auctions: books for $1.25, $0.50, $0.25, $1.00, $0.25, $1.00, $1.00, $0.25 & $0.25; magazines for $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $1.50, $0.25 & $0.25 & Tshirts for $1.00 & $1.00 we adjourned at 9:45 pm Rumor of the Week: 'Well there was no Rapture today, so we'll put another $100 in the jackpot for tomorrow' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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