Meeting 1086

May 23, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8-ish pm - with the Sharks circling the drain

we established a party jar

24 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1084 were accepted as 'Contiki 2 - invasion of the

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1085 we took in $5.10 in the regular
jar & $14.10 in the party jar

The VP reported that there's a new 'Drink Tank' out & on - and
that new issues of 'Journey Planet', 'Claims Department' & 'Exhibition Hall'
should be out soon

The President had nothing fannish to report

A motion was proposed to renumber the minutes & voted down

Adrienne asked the sense of the meeting about adopting Craig Ferguson as a
BASFA member and this was positive

... and that next week's meeting will be held at Coco's

Mo announced that she will be at Baycon, mainly at the Silicon fan table

[evil] Kevin announced that Renovation will have the Foglio's as Masquerade
hosts - that there will be awesome halftime activities - 4 judges have been
names & applications for the Masquerade are now online

Lisa announced that Gallifrey's room block has sold out - tho there are
non-Con-rate rooms still available

Howeird announced that there will be a free band concert in Los Altos, at
Shoup Park this Sunday 1-3:30pm [ish] & to bring your own lawn chair

Dave C announced that Dolores Fuller has died

Glenn announced that [tall] Kevin says 'hi' & announced that Westercon will
have a fan table at Baycon & a room party this weekend & there will be a tea
given for Patricia McKillip in the con suite, with harp music, most likely
on Saturday

Mike announced that he brought in a comic to pass around & that he's looking
for a good Toyota mechanic

Chris announced that Randy Savage died & 'what the hell?' & announced that
he will be doing a fanzine lounge at Baycon Friday, Saturday & Sunday from
6pm till midnight

Steve announced that he will be at Baycon with chocolate ... really GOOD
chocolate - and will share

Glenn reviewed 'being on KFJC live radio [with Dave C & Kevin S] as a lot of
fun & reviewed Guy Gavriel Kay's book 'Tigana' as larger in scope & really
well written

Dave C reviewed 'Pirates 4' as lacking the coherancy of plot of 'At World's
End' & worth matinee, there were follow-ons & Chris commented that it had a
lot of the elements from Powers' book 'On Stranger Tides' and was mostly fun
& that 3 cents of every ticket goes to Tim Powers

Howeird reviewed 'The Tavern', seen at Lohman Theatre at Foothill College as
most of the cast was quite good & reviewed 'Pirates 4' as Penelope Cruz wore
too much clothing, that Depp was amusing & mentioned mermaid bondage as
'fishy' - he recommends seeing it in 2D

Chris reviewed seeing Evelyn in a school theatre thing as 'play-writers
should be strangled' - then reviewed seeing 2 seasons of 'True Blood' as it
saved us all from the Rapture & considered it as 'Twi-like' with more

Jo reviewed the NorthWest Leather Celebration as 'striking' & reviewed being
in Joplin, Missouri a week before their tornado and here this week as

Carole reviewed Maker's Faire as people loved her coat & it was worth the
price of admission, but the faire seemed to lack the energy it had in year's

Mo reviewed Maker's Faire as greatg & she had a great time there

Harold reviewed watching boxing on HBO as it was a good fight & reviewed
'Priest' as 'not an actively evil movie' but so predictable that if you
can't figure out what is going to happen then you should be ashamed of
yourself & it was not worth paying for & he reviewed seeing a copy of the
'Magna Carta'  from 1217 at the DeYoung Museum as cool

We did auctions:   books for $1.25, $0.50, $0.25, $1.00, $0.25, $1.00,
$1.00, $0.25 & $0.25;    magazines for $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $1.50, $0.25 &
$0.25 &  Tshirts for $1.00 & $1.00

we adjourned at 9:45 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'Well there was no Rapture today, so we'll put another
$100 in the jackpot for tomorrow'

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