Meeting 1082

April 25, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:00 pm - with much whooping

24 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1081 were accepted as 'go go Godzilla!'

there was no Treasurer or Treasurer's report

The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' & the next 'Drink Tank'
after that will be about 'Forbidden Planet' & he got nominated for a 'couple
of Hugos' and MO also got nominated for a Hugo and for next Easter he will
be the Fanzine GoH at MiniCon

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee ninja reminds that the Giants outing will be real soon
- Friday, May 6, at AT&T Park

A motion was made to establish a regular discussion time and the sense of
the meeting was positive, so Chris and Bruce then formed the 'Discussion

Ken & Geri present bottles of wine to Chris and Mo to congratulate their
Hugo nominations

Chris moved to have the 'space clam' named the BASFA club mascot, but this

Ed announced that he saw Michael Wallis at an ERPs meeting and that Wallis's
mom has a Worldcon membership for sale

Howeird announced that May 7 is Trains Day & announced that tomorrow he is
having a heart test done & positive thoughts will be appreciated & announced
that he brought experimental pickles for tasting & auction

Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon meeting will be this Friday at the
usual place and time [7:30pm, 1st & Trimble]

Mike announced that there'll be a Doug Young guitar night at the Mission
City Coffee Roasting Company in Santa Clara [2221 the Alameda] - on Sunday,
May 1, 7-9pm for $5

Valerie reviewed the Pop Culture Association Conference as there were a lot
of papers delivered there and it was a friendly gathering

[evil] Kevin reviewed the 1st new episode of this season's Dr Who as very
dark and he recommends it & Andy follow-on's that [redacted] and others
spoke a bit

Chris reviewed his own voice as worth full price & reviewed 'Scream 4' as it
had some problems - like the script - but he liked the short skirts in it &
reviewed a customer last Sunday as 'best customer EVAR' & reviewed
re-watching 'Twi' stuff had him try to re-read 'Twi 3' and -stopped-,
wondering 'the HELL?!' and made reading 'Breaking Dawn' the equivalent of

Julie was left stunned by this but still managed to review her new toy - a
bluray player with a Netflix package as definitely worth the price she paid
for it

Andy reviewed a blog, 'Adventures with the Wife in time' - a couple blogging
about watching the full Dr Who run as utterly brilliant, completely
cracktacular & recommends following it

We did auctions:  a book for $2.00;  yummy pickles for $2.00;  candy for
$0.25, $0.25, $1.00 & $0.50

we adjourned at 9:38 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'we will rouse from our coma to give at least 1 more

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