Meeting 1077 March 21, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:03 - as again I endured change 20 people attended We established a party jar We established a Salon Futura jar The minutes for meeting 1076 were accepted as 'amen' The Treasurer reported that last week we took in $6.25 in the regular jar & that we also took in $6.25 in the party jar The VP was not here; but if a 'Drink Tank' falls in the woods, is it really freem? The president had nothing fannish to report The Sports Committee reported that there has been some movement on the waiting list Announcements: [tall] Kevin announced that he has a mild right wrist injury but that it will soon be better & he appreciates the notes of sympathy on the occasion of his grandfather's death [evil] Kevin announced that there's a new 64 page issue of 'Yipe' out Dave C announced that this Saturday is a Psychotronix Film Festival at Foothill college, 7:30pm but be there early as it sells out - $5 at the door and bring $2 in quarters for parking - bring your fez, dress in layers & he announced that 'Back to Spacecon' will be showed at the Balboa Theatre in SF on April 14 Dave G [& Andy & Adrienne] announced that nominations for the Hugos close March 26 Andy announced that Nova Albion is this weekend at the Santa Clara Hyatt/Santa Clara convention center; there were comments & there will be a Westercon 64 fan table [stop by and sit the table a spell y'all] Valerie announced that she's giving a reading of 'From Girl to Goddess' next Monday night, March 28, 7-9pm at the Saratoga Library Community room Mo announced that there's a new 'Drink Tank' out and she did the cover for it Ken announced that there'll be a Legion of Rasselon meeting at 1st and Trimble in the Carls Jr this Friday night, at 7:30 Reviews: Dave C reviewed 'Drive Angry' as an action film & it provoked laughter & “if you like this sort of thing you'll like it” Andy reviewed Red Nose Day as the BBC has some of the bits uploaded to Youtube - go there and search 'Red Nose Day 2011' for film segments & he highly recommends this Mo reviewed “Changes” by Jim Butcher - and then 2 other Dresden books on audio book as the audio books were more enjoyable - both being read by James Marsters & she recommends the audio book versions Mike reviewed Hamilton's 'Starwolf' trilogy [gathered in one paperback] as a very good read & he reviewed 'Phil Ochs' as a very powerful documentary that he recommends Ed reviewed 'Adjustment Bureau' as much better than he expected it to be - slow to start but it got better by the end - worth matinee [tall] Kevin reviewed wearing a wrist brace as a learning experience We did auctions: books for $1.50 & $0.75; an ice cream squisher for $0.25; & a box of stuff for $0.25 We adjourned at = 9:25 pm The rumor of the week was: 'one night in Stockholm and the world's your herring' [and that Adrienne likes penguins] -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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