Meeting 1077

March 21, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:03 - as again I endured change

20 people attended

We established a party jar
We established a Salon Futura jar

The minutes for meeting 1076 were accepted as 'amen'

The Treasurer reported that last week we took in $6.25 in the regular jar &
that we also took in $6.25 in the party jar

The VP was not here; but if a 'Drink Tank' falls in the woods, is it really

The president had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee reported that there has been some movement on the
waiting list

[tall] Kevin announced that he has a mild right wrist injury but that it
will soon be better & he appreciates the notes of sympathy on the occasion
of his grandfather's death

[evil] Kevin announced that there's a new 64 page issue of 'Yipe' out

Dave C announced that this Saturday is a Psychotronix Film Festival at
Foothill college, 7:30pm but be there early as it sells out - $5 at the door
and bring $2 in quarters for parking - bring your fez, dress in layers & he
announced that 'Back to Spacecon' will be showed at the Balboa Theatre in SF
on April 14

Dave G [& Andy & Adrienne] announced that nominations for the Hugos close
March 26

Andy announced that Nova Albion is this weekend at the Santa Clara
Hyatt/Santa Clara convention center; there were comments & there will be a
Westercon 64 fan table [stop by and sit the table a spell y'all]

Valerie announced that she's giving a reading of 'From Girl to Goddess' next
Monday night, March 28, 7-9pm at the Saratoga Library Community room

Mo announced that there's a new 'Drink Tank' out and she did the cover for

Ken announced that there'll be a Legion of Rasselon meeting at 1st and
Trimble in the Carls Jr this Friday night, at 7:30

Dave C reviewed 'Drive Angry' as an action film & it provoked laughter & “if
you like this sort of thing you'll like it”

Andy reviewed Red Nose Day as the BBC has some of the bits uploaded to
Youtube - go there and search 'Red Nose Day 2011' for film segments & he
highly recommends this

Mo reviewed “Changes” by Jim Butcher - and then 2 other Dresden books on
audio book as the audio books were more enjoyable - both being read by James
Marsters & she recommends the audio book versions

Mike reviewed Hamilton's 'Starwolf' trilogy [gathered in one paperback] as a
very good read & he reviewed 'Phil Ochs' as a very powerful documentary that
he recommends

Ed reviewed 'Adjustment Bureau' as much better than he expected it to be -
slow to start but it got better by the end - worth matinee

[tall] Kevin reviewed wearing a wrist brace as a learning experience

We did auctions:  books for $1.50 & $0.75;  an ice cream squisher for
$0.25;  & a box of stuff for $0.25

We adjourned at = 9:25 pm

The rumor of the week was: 'one night in Stockholm and the world's your
herring' [and that Adrienne likes penguins]

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