YIPE! Volume 3, Issue 2, “Whom?,” is now available for free download at


This issue is a huge Doctor Who pictorial special edition with numerous guest contributors in addition to the usual suspects (including yours truly).

As always, both high-resolution double-page spread and low-resolution single-page versions are available for download, as are all previous issues.

And (still) as always, we're always on the lookout for more guest contributors -- share your photos, stories, art, poetry, what have you with our international audience. Drop a line to edit...@yipezine.com if you have something you'd like to share.

Kevin Roche

PS If you haven't filled out your Hugo nomination ballot yet, you have a week left to do so. This year Yipe! has enough issues in publication to be among the many fine fanzine titles eligible for nomination. If you like our 'zine, I hope you'll consider remembering us during nominations.
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