Note that KUSF lost its broadcast frequency because KDFC lost its 102.1 frequency. KDFC is now primary on KUSF's frequency 90.3 or 89.? plus on different frequencies in different area (mostly North Bay, looking for South Bay transmitter to buy) as part of Classical Music PBS radio network (KUSC). KUSF is or soon will be available online. Big shake up in the radio world in our area. Pam
--- On Tue, 1/25/11, melchar <> wrote: From: melchar <> Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for Jan 24 To: "chris garcia" <>, "BASFA list" <> Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 2:41 PM Meeting 1069 January 24, 2011 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:02 pm ... with AWESOME crabcakes 29 people attended we established a Salon Futura jar Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1068 were accepted as 'get a Clue' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1068 we took in $1.75 in the regular jar & $5.75 in the party jar the Vice President reported that there's a new 'Drink Tank' out with a cover by Mo & that a new 'Journey Planet' will be out that will focus on 'Dune' and could use some content & he'll have an issue of 'Drink Tank' coming out soon with emphasis on the Hugos – so surprise him The President had nothing fannish to report The Sports Committee reported that 16 have contacted him, interested in buying tickets to the May 6th, Friday, Giants home game to help celebrate Willie Mays' birthday – but we need 25 – and that May 6 will be Willie Mays' replica statue night! [Tall] Kevin stated he was sick and would have to leave early and Adrienne volunteered to lead the Hugo nomination discussions REPOSTED REMINDER: our Hugo nomination discussions be held tonight, January 31 & on February 7 – and we ask that BASFAns show restraint in not bringing in auction items on those nights Announcements: Ken announced that there'll be a Legion of Rasselon meeting at 1st and Trimble in the Carls Jr on Friday night, at 7:30 Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters will have a book signing at the SJ Spegetti Factory, Feb 4, 1pm, for author MaryJo Ignoffo for a book on Sarah Winchester – 'Captive of the Labyrinth' & that her review of the Pensione Hotel in Melbourne is up on Lisa announced that Corflu is at the Domain hotel in 2 weeks Dave C announced that he has been getting multiple notices that 'Dragon's Ark' is forthcoming & announced that KUSF lost its frequency – check or Dave G announced that this weekend has HempCon at the McInery's South Hall Chris announced that he needs volunteers to man the booth for Renovation at Wondercon [evil] Kevin announced that Syfy is premiering 'Mega Python vs Gateroid' this Saturday John announced that the 1st week in March will have Consonance Howeird announced that Jack Lalaine died Reviews Dave C reviewed 'Sharktopus' as 'another CGI fanfest' [Trey stated 'I am Sharktopus'] Adrienne reviewed the US version of 'Being Human' as she isn't sure what to make of it and misses the British accents; Mo follow-on'd that she saw the episode, enjoyed it and has hopes; then Adrienne reviewed 'Little Fockers' as 'not as funny as the other 2' - worth matinee or Netflix Mo reviewed 'The Green Hornet' as a fun movie & if you go in without expectations you will be entertained Chris reviewed the Razzie nominations as he's upsets since they nominated 'Eclipse' and 'Vampires Suck' – but that 'Sex & the City 2' deserved it – so maybe they got it right Andy reviewed the Fancy Food Show in SF as full of good foods and oddly exploding snacks & the absolute best stuff was what prosciutto wants to be when it grows up - jamon iberico de belotta – and 'I didn't even talk about the chocolate and I'm not going to' We adjourned at = 9:28 pm The rumor of the week was: 'I am Sharktopus' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' ******************* -----Inline Attachment Follows----- _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list
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