Adrienne has suggested a BASFA outing to the San Francisco Giants game on 
Friday, May 6.  This is a 7:15 PM against the Colorado Rockies.  This is also 
Willie Mays' 80th birthday and a celebration is planned.

I'd like to get an idea of how many people are interested in attending.  If we 
have enough interest, we can look at getting group tickets.  (The minimum 
of tickets for a group outing is 25, which must be bought at least 60 days 
to the day of the game and we get our group name on the scoreboard.  We also do 
not have to pay the "convenience fee.")  If we don't have enough interest for 
group tickets, we can still look at buying tickets the regular way.

Ticket prices are $12 for Left Field View Reserved (nosebleed section), $24 for 
Infield View Reserved (also nosebleed, but much better seats), $27 for Left 
Field Bleachers, and $46 for Lower Box.  The seating chart is available here. 
  I will be looking at either Infield View Reserved or Left Field Bleachers.

Email me at "dwg1 at pacbell dot net" if you are interested.

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