Hal Colebatch says Melbourne is the only city he's ever been in where the cab 
drivers do not know where the hotels are.

I haven't been in contact with you guys for a while because I'm collaborating 
on a novel with Larry Niven. (He does an outline of a book before he writes it. 
I'd never worked to an outline in my life. The last four months have been a 

I sent off what I'd done Wednesday. Title: SMALL WONDER.


Matthew Joseph Harrington

>Today's Topics:
>   1. New review posted mentions BASFA (Adrienne Foster)
>Message: 1
>Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 10:56:04 -0800 (PST)
>From: Adrienne Foster <ajfos...@pacbell.net>
>To: BASFA <ba...@basfa.org>, Chris Garcia <gar...@computerhistory.org>
>Subject: [Basfa] New review posted mentions BASFA
>Message-ID: <144696.61297...@web83709.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>I just posted my review of the Pensione Hotel in Melbourne, where I stayed 
>attending Aussiecon 4.
>I know my reviews are usually of little interest to the general membership of 
>BASFA, but since I mentioned a few members who had some relevance to my 
>experience staying there, I thought it might worth passing on the URL.

I may be in my fifties, but I still possess the world-weary cynicism of a 
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