Meeting 1064 December 20, 2010
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:02 pm 22 people attended we established a Salon Futura jar Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1063 were accepted as 'free Garcia with every purchase' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1062 we took in $24.25 in the regular jar & $12.60 in the Salon Futura jar the Vice President said a new 'Drink Tank' is available 'the soon' and is the 'big ass Reno issue' The President had nothing fannish to report, but mentioned there was a total lunar eclipse tonight REMINDER: [tall] Kevin spoke on Hugo nominations [that open Jan 1st, open until the end of March] & suggests our Hugo nomination discussions be held on Jan 24, 31 & on February – and that BASFAns show restraint in not bringing in auction items on those nights Also it was mentioned that the President and secretary will be missing the Dec 27 meeting, so Chris volunteered Dave C to take minutes Announcements: Jan ann'd she is looking for help to restore wool blankets and that Oracle is hiring, contact her for more details – Lisa announced that the lunar eclipse will be from 10:32pm to 2am, the first on a solstice in 392 years Art announced that he has a super vga monitor for a good home Chris announced that Corflu will be in February in Sunnyvale and the room block closes Jan 18 at the Domaine Dave C made an announcement about Berkeley book stores [evil] Kevin announced thanks for wish lists sent in to 'Yipe' and any more sent in will be in the LoC section of future issues Andy announced that fans of odd games can now get the Humble Indie Bundle #2 at and you can get codes for Steam there; and there;s a link on the EFF site about this Dave G announced that he & Spring will have a party Jan 1 at 7pm and he has directions Reviews Tron was reviewed by many as really quite good and full of shiny things Dave C reviewed 'Coraline the musical' as enjoyable but still getting their legs & - when pressed – that it was worth the discount ticket I reviewed 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader' as a nice adaptation with good 3D and nice effects, worth full price, Lisa also enjoyed it, Trey was a little disappointed, thought it was too rushed and worth matinee Julie reviewed Dicken Faire as she worked it and it was a good year; that her dad got a new 3dTV that she set up, that network TV is worthless, that 'Harry Potter 7a' was 9 out of 10 & she hopes Narnia makes it to the 'Magician's Nephew' & 'Pillars of the Earth' from Netflix as a good adaptation but rushed Dave C reviewed 'Shipwrecked' by Donald Margulies as worth full price if already in New England & reviewed 'The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band' CD/DVD for '{our l'Amour des Chiens' as worth full price Chris reviewed 'Black Swan' as genius and the girls needed to eat and worth full price, that this Xmas episode for 'Communities' as genius & Scot Westerfeld's 'Behemoth' was worth 2/3 full price but 'Leviathan' was better Fred reviewed the SJ Museum or Art's special exhibit of Louis Villareal as excellent and go see it, it should be there for only a few more weeks Josh reviewed 'Abraham Lincoln's Big Gay Dance Party' as very well done by City Lights Aatheus reviewed 'Santa Claus vs the Ice Cream Bunny' as hilariously random Joni reviewed Happy Hollow as pleasant Jan reviewed 'Cataclysm' as not worth the collector's price & reviewed being a grandmom as worth full price Then we did auctions – birthday auctioned off Sarah to Josh for $6.00; - then auctioned off a print for $2.00, videos for $0.25 & $0.25; books for $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $2.00, $0.50, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.50, $1.25 & $15.00 We adjourned at = 10:05 pm The rumor of the week was: 'look at me, now look at your rumor – now back to me – I'm wearing a propeller beanie' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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