Meeting 1063

December 13, 2010

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy),

Began at 8:07 pm – zappingly

18   people attended

we established a Salon Futura jar

Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1062 were accepted as 'the
Norman conquest'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1062 we took in $45.50 in the regular
jar & $38.00 in the Salon Futura jar

the Vice President dud a brief flyby to drop of copies of 'Journey Planet'
#7, but then fled

The President had nothing fannish

[tall] Kevin spoke on Hugo nominations [that open Jan 1st, open until the
end of March] & suggests our Hugo nomination discussions be held on Jan 24,
31 & on February – and that BASFAns show restraint in not bringing in
auction items on thos nights

[evil] Kevin announced they have 2 printers looking for a good home, both
are Canons – an I9900 & a S450

Diane announced that she is now a licensed massage therapist

Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon will hold its monthly meeting this
month on Sunday, December 26 at the usual place

Dave C announced that the Other Change of Hobbit is open for your holiday
shopping & book searches & that he can act as a conduit for them

[takk] Kevin & Dave C reviewed the Locus Christmas party as very

Ken reviewed 'Tangled' as great fun & Diane follow-on'd that it was VERY
great fun; then Ken  reviewed the Psychotronic Film Festival as fun and
rather timely & Dave C follow-on'd that the film short with the greatest
audience response included Punch & Judy

Then we did auctions – birthday auctioned off Dave C to himself for $11.00;
-  then auctioned off books for $0.25, $0.25 & $0.32;  magnets for $0.25;
an incense burner for $0.25;  & magazines for $1.00

We adjourned at = 8:37 pm

The rumor** of the week was: 'even Garcia-free minutes aren't Garcia-free'

[** comment made = 'I never knew Chris Garcia's bedroom closet was so

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