The Hugo Awards Nominating ballot has (in effect) just been released with the 
publication of Renovation PR 3. Nominations do not open until January 1.  I 
propose that BASFA hold its traditional "Hugo Recommendation Nights" on January 
24, January 31, and February 7. This should avoid any conflict with FurCon and 
also allow enough time for people to complete their ballots in February. (The 
deadline isn't until late March.)

We could do these meetings a week earlier if we wanted to have the last one 
fall on the final night when you can still join Renovation in time to nominate 
(January 31). But if you're planning on nominating, I suggest saving any 
last-minute panic and joining now.

I'll be out of town from this weekend through January 16, which is why I'm 
bringing this up now rather than waiting until early January.


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