Meeting 1062 December 6, 2010
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8 pm – dimly 32 people attended we established a Salon Futura jar Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1061 were accepted as 'Barbara written, SMOF approved' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1061 we took in $3,70 in the regular jar & $8.05 in the Salon Futura jar the Vice President reported there is a new 'Drink Tank' out as well as an 'Exhibition Hall' – and that the new 'Drink Tank' will be about Reno and a 2010 restrospective The President had nothing fannish to report - but did welcome infrequently-attending members to the meeting – saying 'hi' to Norman Cates, Squidly McKraken & Mike MacMillan It was moved and passed that Chris be referred to as 'Blitzen' for the remainder of the meeting The Website Committee reported that he's working on the website problem, but having difficulties Announcements: Glenn announced numbers Kate announced that the Hugo Base Award Design contest only runs for another month Adrienne announced that the Bay Area Ghost Hunters will meet on Dec 12, 5pm at the SJ Tials pub & she warned folks about the guy doing 'Para-cons' Norman announced that he has 4 bottles to give away Dave C announced that 'Coraline' is coming to SF & he also talked about a Land's End order [evil] Kevin announced that the November isssue of 'Yipe' is now out and the December issue is being assembled. Ken announced that this Saturday, 7pm, will be a Psychotronic Film Festival at Foothill jr college – and to get there early as it fills up fast & he announced that the Retrodome is doing 'meshuganah nutcracker' and 'Santastic' until Dec 18 Reviews I reviewed 'The Warrior's Way' as having no enough pirates in it, but some of it was gorgeous and there really was no plot, worth matinee, while Trey thought it worth cable; then I reviewed Russ Baker's book 'Family of Secrets' as the Bush clan is SO insidious that I ended up admiring the bastards, worth hardback. Mike reviewed the St Georges distillery tour as it was good, except for one moment of terror & he really enjoyed himself; Lisa followed that she enjoyed it & Glenn congratulated [evil] Kevin and Andy Howeird reviewed 'Babes in Toyland' as 2 weeks of his life he'll never get back and 2 weeks spent in Maui as really worth full price Dave C reviewed '4 Lions' as a very black comedy about idiots wanting to be terrorists, worth full price SMOFcon was reviewed = [tall] Kevin said 139 people attended from 4 continents and it went far better than expected; Josh follow-on'd that it was fantastic for him and he learned a lot; Norman agreed; Adrienne follow-on'd that it was very interesting and she loved the con suite; Dave C said he enjoyed the con and enjoyed the panels; Mo follow-on'd that she feels Silicon has benefited from what she's learned from it; Lisa follow-on'd that she loved the panels and con suite; Andy follow-on'd that the whole con was like a Dead Dog party and he enjoyed the off-site excursions; [tall] Kevin follow-on'd that the next SMOFcon is in Amsterdam & Glenn said he had a good time Then we did auctions – birthday auctioned off Kate to Norman for $10.00; birthday auctioned off Howeird to himself for $12.00; birthday auctioned off Sandra to Dave C for $31.00 = then auctioned off books for $2.00 & $8.00; snacks for $3.00; & magazines for $1.50 We adjourned at = 10pm The rumor of the week was: 'the minutes of this meeting will be seen on wikileaks' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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