Meeting 1058

November 8, 2010

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy),

Began at 8 pm – looking for a save point

26   people attended

Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1056 were accepted as 'and so
it goes'& the minutes from meeting 1057 were accepted as 'in memory of
Alexander Haig'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1057 we took in $2.50 in the regular

the Vice President reported that he's doing NaNoWriMo & there is NO new
'Drink Tank' or any other fanzine out right now

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee reported 'The Giants won the World Series!

Jo queried the sense of the meeting about him bringing in 80's cassettes for
auction and got a 'sure, why not' response

Ken announced that Matt Smith was on USA Today Online & announced that Conan
starts TBS tonight & announced that Fridays will see a fund raiser for
Women's cricket at the Kaama Lounge /Santana row

Carole announced that long-time fan Kaitlin died Sunday

Dave C announced that the new Cargo cult catalog is out

Adrienne announced that her AussieCon 4 review is out at epinions for our
viewing pleasure

Spike announced that she has Potlatch flyers – it will be in Sunnyvale at
the Domain

Chris announced that there will be 2 – no 3 – no, make that 4 – cons coming
up = SteamCon 2, OryCon, WindyCon & NovaCon

Andy announced that a new issue of the Inookreader will be coming out at
SorcererCon and he's soliciting content

Then we did birthday auctions:  Chris was auctioned off for $9.00 to Jo; I
was auctioned off for $7.00 to Trey;  Bob Hole was auctioned off for $5.00
to me

I reviewed 'Megamind' as a whole bucket of fun – worth seeing twice at full
price; Trey follow-on'd that he also enjoyed the film, it's worth seeing and
they got a lot of it right

Mo reviewed her family reunion at Clayton, NM as 'Starbucks-less' &
interesting & that the night sky there was spectacular and worth the whole
trip to see

Chris reviewed Le Bal des Vampires as he had a surprisingly awesome time;
reviewed 'the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest' as very, very good & highly

Dave C moved & it passed that any further film reviews by Chris at this
meeting be done in Swedish

Jo reviewed getting back into motor-biking as good fun & he's been listening
to Elizabeth Moon audio books and enjoying them

[evil] Kevin reviewed 'Declare' by Tim Powers as a 'Great Game' spy novel &
worth slogging thru – worth BASFA auction price & reviewed John Darly's
'Dalek Building Workshop Manual' as very well built and will be useful to
him and absolutely worth full price

Dave C reviewed the race for Oakland's mayor as fun & reviewed BasCon as not
very exciting & he's not unpacking the car & check for the
song 'I'm Proud of the BBC'

Then we did more auctions – a program book for $0.25;  stationery for $0.25
& $0.25;  cookies for $1.00;  magazines for $2.00;  $0.50 & $0.25;  manga &
stuff for $0.50;  books for $0.05 & a model ship for $1.00

The rumor of the week was: 'Could you say that in Swedish please?'

We adjourned at = 10 pm

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