BASFA minutes for November 1
Meeting 1057
November 1, 2010
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
Held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expwy/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale, CA
Began around 8:15 p.m., amongst great cheering for our San Francisco Giants
18 people attended
All officers absent, so Dave Clark presided
Adrienne Foster, emergency holographic minute taker
We established a party jar
Minutes for meeting 1056 were postponed until 1058.
Treasurer reported by proxy that $1.40 was collected in the regular jar at 
meeting 1056 and $12.00 in the salon futura jar.
We put the words "There's a new Drink Tank out" in the VP's mouth.
Sarah stood for the Sports Committee when she announced "Yeah!" and that the 
ticker-tape parade will start at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Montgomery & Market and 
end at City Hall. (Gavin Newsome must be happy he'll be getting Texas bbq and 
relieved he won't have to wear cowboy gear.)
Kevin R. said that Renovation, which starts on a Wednesday next year, has 
scheduled the Hugos on Friday and masquerade on Saturday.
Lisa said the Giants won the World Series.
Adrienne reminded people that Sorcerercon 2010 is on Thanksgiving weekend.
Dave C. reminded people that World Fantasy Convention will be in San Diego in 
Carole said that Carol Katlyn Barrows is in the hospital again and that it is 
serious. Any well wishes her way would be appreciated.
Fred said that the Hetley Club is a great place to listen to live jazz music.
Adrienne reviewed Red as a fun movie that she will probably have forgotten a 
year from now. It's worth full price to see Helen Mirren as an action heroine. 
Dave C. followed on that the plot was heavily supplemented because the graphic 
novel it was based on didn't have as much to it.
          Adrienne read the short story "The Last Great Clown Hunt," by Chris 
Furst, in the Nov./Dec. 2008 issue of Weird Tales and believes it is worth 
locating and reading.
          Adrienne also went to the mystery genre convention, Bouchercon, and 
gave details how it operated. It's definitely excellent for networking for 
seriously interested in the genre. Some extra goodies were brought in for 
Dave C. saw the original House on Haunted Hill with a few friends someplace.
          Dave also saw Paper & I and said it was worth full price.
          Dave said he went to Yeowiecon at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame. 
tables were expensive. It was not as much fun as he had hoped and the tables 
were expensive. It was his first Yeowiecon and it will probably be his last 
because the tables were gosh-awful expensive.
Josh and Sarah saw Goss Wrangled at the Met in Eastridge. The mermaids on stage 
actually looked like they were underwater. Fascinating technical production. 
Very textured costumes. Worth full price. Sarah added that clips on YouTube 
how amazing it is.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
Chris Garcia sees all and it sparkles.
We adjourned 9:12 p.m.
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