Meeting 1056 October 25, 2010 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8 pm – with talk of the Big Sleazy 20 people attended Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1055 were accepted as 'masked Mexican wrestlers' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1054 we took in $6.00 in the regular jar [there was no party jar] & he further reported that at meeting 1055 we took in $11.00 in the regular jar & $9.27 in the party jar the Vice President reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out & that he has a piece on about the first New Orleans Steampunk park The President had nothing fannish to report The Sports Committee reported 'The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant and we're going crazy!' and he suggested we go check out the 'Torture' BASFA filk entry Trey did on LJ [based on Billy Joel's song 'Pressure'] Jo queried and the Vice President affirmed that yes, he has been doing Youtube book reviews Announcements: Ken announced that Craig Ferguson will have Matt Smith on his show Nov 16 Chris announced that Belladonna will be performing Nov 6 at Le Bal des Vampires at the Alameda Elk's Lodge, 6:30pm Eric announced that he's having heart surgery on Friday and may be missing at next week's BASFA meetings Mo announced that she's heading out for Cody, NM tomorrow for a family reunion & will be back Nov 5 Dave G announced that the Flying Karamazov Brothers will be at the SJ Rep, Nov 10-14 [and then we applauded Spring] Dave C announced that YaoiCon is this weekend at the Hyatt Regency, SF & he announced that Syfy will show 'Sharktopus' on Nov 7 Josh announced that Wednesday evening will see a lecture series start at the Herbst Theatre in SF – across from city hall & announced that also on Wednesday night 'Das Rhinegold' is playing in selected theatres [tall] Kevin announced that he will not be here next week & will be in Columbux Lisa announced that Big Harold is going in for surgery Thursday Reviews Chris reviewed his 36th birthday as the Giants lost that day but he did get a Sony e-reader and it has insane battery life & Linda got him 2 presents – her smiling self and the Complete Kidz in the Hall & he reviewed the Madmen cocktail party as the food was good & the Giants won then & reviewed inventing the Benedict burger as 'if bacon grease was alcohol, I'd have blown a 2.5' and it was soooooo good [tall] Kevin reviewed the article Chris did for as brilliantly written and he thinks it deserves a Hugo nomination [for short story] Dave C reviewed the 'Vampire Genevieve' by Jack Yeovil as interesting – with a marvellous selection of typos – worth full price Lisa reviewed 'Sherlock' modernized, as a very interesting upgrade, a really good job Jo reviewed 'Stone' as the characterizations were brilliant & engrossing – worth full price Then we did auctions – a full set of LACon 4 merit badges for $1.00; a pirate set for $0.25; magazines for $0.25 & $0.25; votive holders for $0.25; comic stuff for $0.25; pomegranites for $0.25 & books for $0.25, $0.25, & $0.25 The rumor of the week was: 'it's still Wallis' fault' We adjourned at = 9:32 pm -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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