Meeting 1055 October 18, 2010
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8 pm – with funny stories 23 people attended Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1054 were accepted as 'reduce, reuse, recycle' there was no Treasurer or Treasurer's report the Vice President reported that he has been doing Youtube book reviews The President had nothing fannish to report Announcements: Dave C announced that June Cleaver had died [other people died too] & he announced that on Oct 28 we can see riff tracks live [check] & he announced that he has a poster for flaming zepplins that he's putting up for auction Ken announced that this Friday is the Legion of Rasselon meeting, same time and place & announced that this Friday is also a zombie crawl at Willow Glen, SJ on Lincoln Ave, 7pm & announced that the Retrodome is showing 'The Exorcist' this weekend Josh announced that he's having foot surgery and will be missing a few weeks of BASFA meetings Chris announced that his birthday is this week & announced that Corflu is coming up [much other insanity was stated] Aatheus announced that registration for Dimension Jump in Birmingham, England is now open Reviews: Josh reviewed the Khan exhibit at the Tech Museum as he found it entertaining I reviewed 'RED' as it was lots of fun, a marvellous movie with the actors doing a great job – and worth full price; Chris follow-on'd that he thought it was the best movie he's seen this year & Trey follow-on'd that the casting was amazing & delightful Mo reviewed seeing 10 episodes of an old TV show called 'Veil' [with Boris Karloff] as she recommends it and it was kinda spooky – plus Chris also recommended the internet archives as he saw a 30's Russian movie there called 'Aerograd' Julie reviewed season 4 of the Sarah Jane Adventures as dark and moody & reviewed cleaning her storage unit as there's a lot still to do there & commented that old videotapes from there – the Poldark series – that they have held up well & are still fun to watch & she went to a tech trade show and got to hold a best picture Oscar Chris commented that he did a lot of TV watching & he reviewed watching 'The Phantom Creeps' as it was worth having Mo buy it for him & reviewed creating the pizza burger taco as a delicious greasy piece of goodness - and Dann gave Chris a copy of 'Rock & Roll Wrestling Women vs the Aztec Ape' Ken's brain is all melty – but he reviewed the Lobotronic Film Festival as they got great parking & it was seen in conjunction with visiting a lot of outlet shops & it was a great evening 'Bob' reviewed the 'So you think you can Dance' auditions in Oakland as good and entertaining Andy reviewed the Alternative Press Expo as laden with small presses and authors – all very polite – and they saw lots of folks they knew, worth full price and worth going to; Dave C follow-on'd that APE is showing more furry artists Dave C also reviewed the Northern Calif independent Book Sellers Assoc as an intimate affair and many of its publishers went to APE instead & he reviewed 'Draculas' excerpts as written with extreme hype & 'it's such a sh*tty story' ['blood, blood, blood, blood'] [evil] Kevin reviewed the Esther Pinto at 22nd and Valencia as they found good parking & the food was quite good & he reviewed 'writers with drinks' as he had a good time & the bar was 'crack-tacular' & he reviewed a Syfy flick 'Night of the Living Dead – Rave to the Grave' as rotten to the core and not even worth cable Diane reviewed a Spanish version of 'Dancing with the Stars' as the dancing was horrific & reviewed 'Exodus' by Julie Bertagna as an enjoyable thriller Then we did auctions – a poster for $0.25; books for $0.50, $0.75, $0.25, $0.25, 0.25, & $0.75 & $1.00 & DVDs for $1.00 & $0.75 The rumor of the week was: 'coming up soon – talk like a zombie pirate day' We adjourned at = 9:37 pm -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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