Meeting 1052

September 27, 2010

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy),
Sunnyvale -> HOWEVER please be aware that Coco's is doing a remodel!  The
windows are covered and the tables are done, but they plan to re-carpet and
we were told they are likely to close at 9pm next Monday [as well as

Began at 8-ish - Dave G presiding

19   people attended [tho 4 left early]

Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1050 were accepted as 'still
missing Stellan' &  the minutes from meeting 1051 were accepted as 'klunk'

Treasurer's report = last week we took in $14.25 in the regular jar and
$28.50 in the party jar

the Vice President was not here but there's a new 'Drink Tank' out

The President is in Colorado on a business trip

The Sports Committee reported that he wishes he could be at the Giants games
this week

[evil] Kevin announced that the September issue of 'Yipe' is live - cover by
Mo Starkey - and 2 issues are planned for October & he announced that this
Saturday the San Mateo Masonic Lodge is hosting the Peers Evil League Evil
Ball, check for details

Andy announced that the 'Ikinook Reader #1' has been released - cover by Mo
Starkey - check

Mo announced something & also announced that her Edgar Allen Poe was
purchased by Wendy Pini

Bob Hole announced that his 2nd issue of 'e2pmi' is out, check & he's looking for contributions for next issues and also
announced that Bujold is going to have a new Miles novel out soon

Adrienne announced Bouchercon 2010 prereg ends Oct 2 & will be at the SF
Hyatt regency Oct 14-17

[tall] Kevin announced that he's being sent to Chicago for business and will
be missing the next 4-5 meetings & also announced that there are links to
the live 'Girl Genius' readings on his LJ

Dave C announced that KFJC is doing fund raising & they are fan friendly -
so support them

[evil] Kevin reviewed another awful movie seen so you don't have to =
'Sharktopus' - as sooooo bad that the movie host was making fun of it & the
movie was ghastly & also reviewed the 'Astroboy' movie was nice and worth

I reviewed 'Resident Evil 4' as not as good as '3', that parts were
enjoyable but the ending was poor & it was worth matinee - but we had paid
full price & I reviewed 'I am Legend' - the Will Smith version - as well
done, but not a movie to be watching alone when one's sweetie has been sent
out of state

Bob reviewed the 'Ikinook reader' as very good;  reviewed moving as it sucks
even if you only have one car worth of stuff &  reviewed the California
Academy of Science as he waited in a 2 hour line and heard it was a 4 hour
wait for others &  reviewed #Aus4 online as fun but virtual con crud was not

Ed reviewed Weber's 'Mission of Honor' as he enjoyed it - and also enjoyed
KFC's double down [tall Kevin noted 'evil tastes good, that's why it's

Dave C  reviewed the SF Friends of the Library book sale as that he found a
book there 'Super Constitution' by Charles Kim as it has bad dialog, bad
science, bad sf - and 'is a keeper'

[tall] Kevin reviewed Aussiecon 4 and the travelling he did there as worth
everything he paid for it - and follow-ons pretty much agreed with him

Ken reviewed 'Easy A' as an enjoyable little fill, worth full price and

Dave G reviewed New Zealand as worth full price, highly recommended &
reviewed 'I eat your Skin' 'so you didn't have to'

We did auctions – birthday auctioned Geri off for $5.00 to Ken;  books for
$1.00,  $0.75,  $0.15,  $0.25;  magazine for $0.25;  taffy for $0.10,
$0.10;  and Usagi books for $10.00, $0.25 & $5.00

The rumor of the week was: 'Trey may be back next week'

We adjourned at = 9:52 pm

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