BASFA Meeting # 1051
20 September 2010
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
Held at Coco’s, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 freeway), 
Sunnyvale.  (The management tells us the remodeling is complete; someone 
out that they failed to remodel the bathrooms, which defeats the purpose of 
improving the customer experience that the remodel should provide.)
Called to order at 8:02 PM, Vice President Chris Garcia presiding.
26 people attended.
President and Secretary were absent.
We established a party jar.
No Secretary, no Secretary’s Report.
The Treasurer reported that we have money.
The Vice-President reported that he had snorted hollandaise sauce and that 
is a new issue of The Drink Tank out.
New guy George Harrison introduced himself.
Dave Clark announced that “Starcrash” is available in regular DVD, in addition 
to Blu-Ray.
Mo announced that she has SorcererCon flyers (including the obligatory typo) 
that she and Corrine Howlett spent last week passing them out at various likely 
Howeird announced that he will be playing with the Ye OldeTowne Band at Shoup 
Park in Los Altos at 1:30 PM on Saturday.  Best of all, it’s free.
Ken announced that the Legion of Rassilon will be meeting this Friday at the 
usual spot.
Glenn announced that this would be his last meeting for a while, and said 
something about him and Allie once a month.
Josh announced that planning for Gastronomicon is moving right along and that 
the staff meeting went very well.
Sarah announced that she had no announcement.
Bill announced that the Secret Combat Manual of the Warrior Class is available 
at BookBuyers in Mountain View.
Mo reviewed seeing flying pigs after drinking wine in Santa   Clara.
Addrienne reviewed Aussiecon 4 as pretty low key, though with lots of stuff 
happening.  There were many A4 follow-ons.   She also reviewed Melbourne as 
interesting, and that she had an intense experience with Vegemite.
Andy reviewed Fencon as Fan Guests of Honor as lots of fun and it is a nice 
little con; they almost drink as much as Iowa cons.
[Evil] Kevin reviewed the Yard Dog Press books Four Redheads of the Apocalypse 
as goofy, fun, wonderful books.
Glenn reviewed “Moon in the Face” by Patricia McKillip as very enjoyable.  This 
was SF, not fantasy.  He also positively reviewed Bruno’s Barbecue in Scott 
Valley and Palace Barbecue Buffet in Sunnyvale.
Dave G reviewed Au Contraire, the New ZealandNatCon as very enjoyable and 
Sweeny Todd at the Sunnyvale Players was positively reviewed.
Gordon reviewed Bubonicon in Albuquerque as very good.
Sarah reviewed the Peppermill in Reno as a good place to stay during Worldcon.
Chris reviewed showing his documentary in an awesome, craptastic location.
We auctioned various items and people.
The rumor of the week was “None walks into a bar.”
We adjourned at 9:51 PM.
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