Meeting 895 September 24, 2007
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargent at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary Began 8:05, smushed together at Baker's Square 31 people attended We established a party jar Secretary’s report: the minutes of meeting 894 were accepted as 'let's see him get out of THIS box' [no Treasurer] the proxy Treasurer's report is that last week we took in $37.25 in the regular jar & $24.00 in the party jar The VP reported 'so there I was, hand to god!' [Andy: 'So god, where did the bad fan touch you?'] - there's a new SFinSF out, a new Drink Tank is out & there'll be another new Drink Tank out Wednesday The President reported that the VP brought a book in which to scribe pithy sayings in for the BASFA Times & otherwise had nothing fannish to report The proxy Site Selection Committee arranged that we will meet at the Baker's Square in Los Gatos next week, Oct 1 [located at 165 Los Gatos-Saritoga Ave, at University Ave] The BASFA Times Committee showed us the cover for the BASFA Times & he has had 3 articles turned in for it but they still need stuff - send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Party Committee reported that they should be in room 273 on Friday or Saturday at Silicon Announcements Dave C announced that the Stupids will play Sunday at the Comedy Festival in Golden Gate Park & announced that the Friends of the SF Public Library book sale will be this week at Fort Mason Andy announced that he put Frank Wu's presentation [of apostrophe pronunciation] on the BASFA LJ & it was noticed - appreciated - and there's been a request to do this at Arisia - plus Silicon is in 2 weeks and the Evil Genius party will be Saturday night & they hope to attend the Saturday morning Peninsula Wearable Arts meeting; there were follow-ons that SFinSF will also have a party - on Friday night at Silicon, that there'll be an SFinSF panel at 10am on Sunday & they'll do a Saturday podcast Ken announced that KTEH is moving Dr Who to 7pm Thursday and 10pm Saturdays - plus the Legion of Rasselon will be meeting this Friday [evil] Kevin announced that Heroes is starting up again & announced that the Friday Silicon party hosted in their room will be Pancho's Crosstime Cantina [tall] Kevin announced that SFSFC is offering to pay a scholarship of $500 to folks who will attend SMOFcon in Boston this December and then write an article about it Reviews: Chris reviewed 'Across the Universe' as it had some problems, was a bit scattershot & heavy handed, it was visually gorgeous, but was fun and definitely worth $4.00 for the film, $2.25 for the theatre, $1.00 for the lemonade & with parking was worth $8.00 [tall] Kevin reviewed Nippon 2007 as they did okay, he saw a whole lot of one room while there, the con had a lot of enthusiasm, there were some problems, lots of late event starts, the party floor was terrible [scent and heat wise] - but they did a good job overall [WAY better than TorCon] Andy reviewed the Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot restaurant as the placemats are hysterical & it was very good hot pot with incredible variety & probably worth full price [they still have to settle for the bill with the guys they went with] - but don't go there with a huge mob of friends - take no more than 10 & he reviewed 'Vin Santo' in Willow Glen, as under new ownership, they have a new menu and the meals are personalized for you - a 4 course meal will cost $50.00 and the food was great, give them a few weeks and they'll be incredible Harold reviewed Ebay university at the Marriott in Santa Clara as the presenter read the slides too much - and the materials shown were about 2 years old - so the course was worth about $25.00 and not the $59 that he had to paid for it Ed reviewed that Nathan and Caroline are doing great out in the wilds & reviewed 'The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra' as funny & worth full price & reviewed 'El Diablo' as interesting & worth full price Mike reviewed 'Arrival' by Shaun Tan - a story done completely in pictures - as surreal and very good [evil] Kevin reviewed his folk's surprise 50th anniversary party as a huge success - worth full price and even driving 500 miles for [and based on some of the off-line description, it sounds like it was incredibly well organized, a lot of fun & the photo shoot was hilarious] Julie reviewed 'The Smallest Show on Earth' on DVD [with a very young Peter Sellers playing a very old man] as worth full price Then we auctioned off books for $1.00; $2.50; $2.50; $1.00; $0.25; $0.50; $1.25; $1.00; $2.00; $2.00; $0.25; a bag o' stuff for $3.00; and one last thing for $2.00 We adjourned at = 9:37 And the rumor of the week was that = ‘Barbara's touching me!' _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list