Meeting 894 September 17, 2007
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargent at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary Began 8:02, at Coco's 34 people attended We established a party jar Secretary’s report: the minutes of meeting 893 were accepted as 'in memory of Phil Frank, Robert Jordan, Brett Sommers & Madeline L'engle' Treasurer's report is that last week we took in $35.86 The VP reported there's a new Drink Tank out & there'll be writing from Frank Wu in it The President welcomed visitors - Steven who was just stopping by & Keith who was dragged down here The Site Selection Committee reported that we will be meeting at Baker's Square in Los Gatos next week, Sept 24 - located at 165 Los Gatos-Saritoga Ave, at University Ave The BASFA Times Committee reported that they still need stuff - and send stuff to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Announcements Joni announced that she's organizing an exhibit of obsolete tech at her school and is looking for antiquated tech stuff Chris announced that some of his chums are organizing a Hispanic anthology and for further details contact him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - there were follow-on's and then Frank Wu gave a visual presentation of the pronunciation of the apostrophe, as 'boing' Julie announced that she has something to give away [see her] Spring announced that you have 11 more days to register for Vinticon - to be held in Gilroy, October 12-14 [evil] Kevin announced that submissions for CostumeCon 26's Future Fashion Folio are closed and announced that Silicon's panelizer is re-opened Adrienne announced that she's going to WindyCon and is looking for suggestions for places to visit while there Stellan announced that Devin Roche was mentioned in an article in the NY Times Dave C announced that Phil frank has died Harold announced that Wed, Sept 19 is 'Talk like a Pirate Day' - there were follow-on's, then Chip announced that Sept 8th is 'Talk Like a Time Traveller Day' Dierdre announced that she brought galleys as freebies Reviews: Harold reviewed 'Shit Happens' [a book] as worthy of a diatribe - and kind of fun Lisa reviewed 'Death at a Funeral' as wonderful black comedy and hysterically funny & reviewed 'Stardust' ash she wants the Captain's wardrobe Dave C reviewed an average pachinko parlor in Japan as 5 dozen machines - all going off at once - that the noise blends into one metallic clash as the players of said machines all smoke like chimneys and qualifies as a good approximation of the 1st circle of hell; the horror! The horror! Jin reviewed being on Mount Fuji during the day of the typhoon as 'very wet' - they got totally soaked and it was worth full price Carole reviewed that the Japanese smoke and there are very few non-smoking sections & in general the Japanese love Americans & she bought lots of stuff; that Japan is beautiful and she wants to go back there - as definitely worth full price [evil] Kevin reviewed 'the best Buck in the Bay' as he had cowboys for his birthday and this year they had a new vendor that does exquisite wood carvings - it was incredible art and worth full price Howeird reviewed the rodeo as a lot of fun and that goat dressing looked invigorating and he'll have pictures from it on his Flicker site and his own website & reviewed 'The Amphora Project' by Kotzwinkle as one of those books a sf fan was meant to read - with an airsickness bag handy - and worth half of the quarter he paid for it Chris reviewed the radio station here as the best restaurant music anywhere - and reviewed 'Galaxina' as he made it through an hour before fleeing - it is hideously awful and if you can sit through the whole movie ['You have issues!' was suggested] - but was worth having it loaned to him by [evil] Kevin Dave G reviewed Vista as it sucks Then we birthday auctioned off [evil] Kevin for $16.00 to Dave C; plus auctioned off a books for $5.75; $0.25; $0.50; $0.25; $0.50; $0.50; $1.00; $0.25; $0.25; $1.50; DVDs for $6.00; bag of stuff for $2.00; videos for $2.00; book with a video for $3.25; button with green tea Kitkat for $7.00 & button with peach Kitkat for $0.50 We adjourned at = 10:00 And the rumor of the week was that = ‘That'll teach Jordan to finish the damned series' _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list