> There was a suggestion of having 10 minutes slot at the end of the meetup
> where companies can speak about them and openings for 2 minutes.
> -1
Today lot of participants come as it's a place to gain and share knowledge.
We should not be changing the intention of meetup by providing space for
hiring, it might turn out being a commercial space.

Am afraid allowing companies to talk about themselves and their job
opportunities might create conflict of interest with the company providing
space for our meetup which may not be good for us.

I would say lets stick to knowledge sharing and discussion about python for

We already have job page on python India website (
http://python.org.in/jobs/). We should plan to work on that page instead.
Otherwise we can have Bangpypers newsletter where we send meetup details
along with job opportunities as well.

But my question is
 What does Bangpypers get in return for publishing about X company job
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