
 We have come long way with BangPypers meetup [1]. In last two years, we
conducted regular workshops and talks. We have seen people travelling from
different cities to attend our meetups. 82 people attended our last meetup!

There are lot of companies use Python in Bangalore. Most of these companies
approach the organizing team for leads to hire developers. We don't share
any participant info and don't want to. We redirect them to ML and other
job boards.

There was a suggestion of having 10 minutes slot at the end of the meetup
where companies can speak about them and openings for 2 minutes.

Thoughts ? Any other ways to facilitate this ?

[1]: https://meetup.com/bangpypers


*Thanks & Regardskracekumar"Talk is cheap, show me the code" -- Linus
Torvaldshttp://kracekumar.com <http://kracekumar.com>*
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