If I were interviewing you, I would not really be checking your python knowledge (unless you claimed to be good in Python in your resume). I would really check how good you are in Java (your primary language), and your general programming and problem solving skills.
However, if I really wanted someone good in Python right now, I would check how far you had progressed in writing 'pythonic' code. Here is one attempt at making a list of features that newbies (i.e. people migrating to python from other languages) typically miss, or learn late in life. - List comprehensions and generators. - Familiarity with the standard library - too much re-invention of the wheel exists in the world today. You shouldn't be adding to that problem. - Use of *args and **kwargs - knowledge of itertools - Docstrings and Doctests - scipy/numpy/matplotlib if you're doing anything with data Even more advanced features - I really wouldn't expect you to know these, but if you did, that would impress me: - Generator expressions (and how to create those yourself). Combine with list comprehensions - Decorators - to make your code concise and more readable. And learn to create decorators - Understanding of python closures. A lot of complex code gets written by people who don't think of using an appropriate closure - The 'with' statement. - Properties. I adapted this from here: http://www.quora.com/Navin-Kabra/answers/Python-programming-language-1 Also check out this StackOverflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/101268/hidden-features-of-python Avneesh Chadha <avneesh.cha...@gmail.com> writes: > Hi guys, > > I am going in for my first python interview. I have never actively worked > in python(java programmer) but am comfortable with it to some extent(used > it for competing at code chef). > > I am sure all you python gurus probably would have interviewed people for > python and many of you would have given lots of interviews for Python. > > I could really use some tips on what exactly should I really be focusing on > while studying for it and what should I expect. > > A little about the process up till now- > They sent me a problem to solve(the usual code jam type problem, but toned > down in difficulty) which i was able to do correctly. > > Now i have telephonic interview. > > They basically require people strong in python and knowledge of django is a > plus. > > I have 2 days to prepare for it. > Thanks. > _______________________________________________ > BangPypers mailing list > BangPypers@python.org > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers