> Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 18:22:44 +0530
> From: avneesh.cha...@gmail.com
> To: bangpypers@python.org
Learning Django may take some time, but python is a programming language in 
which you don't have to put any extra effort in learning if you know any other 
programming language. 
I suggest you first go through some examples to get a feel of python and once 
you feel comfortable start coding.I don't think it will take a lot of time for 
you to learn python.

> Subject: [BangPypers] First python interview
> Hi guys,
> I am going in for my first python interview. I have never actively worked
> in python(java programmer) but am comfortable with it to some extent(used
> it for competing at code chef).
> I am sure all you python gurus probably would have interviewed people for
> python and many of you would have given lots of interviews for Python.
> I could really use some tips on what exactly should I really be focusing on
> while studying for it and what should I expect.
> A little about the process up till now-
> They sent me a problem to solve(the usual code jam type problem, but toned
> down in difficulty) which i was able to do correctly.
> Now i have  telephonic interview.
> They basically require people strong in python and knowledge of django is a
> plus.
> I have 2 days to prepare for it.
> Thanks.
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