Try creating google doc or survey and ask people's opinion.

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Venkatraman S <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Abdul Muneer <>
> wrote:
> > I need to decide on a python web-framework based on the below listed
> > criteria.
> >
> >    1. Ease of customization of bundled packages
> >    2. Ease of development
> >    3. Long term support of frameworks
> >    4. Learning curve
> >    5. Logging and monitoring
> >    6. Clustering
> >    7. Ease of deployment
> >    8. Testing: unit testing libraries
> >    9. DB management
> >    10. User management: e.g. should be possible to tie one user id to
> >    multiple entities
> >    11. LDAP integration
> >
> > What would you recommend? Please share your experiences and insights
> > related to any of these points. Ignore the points in the list that appear
> > vague to you.
> >
> > The existing app is written in pylons 0.9 , but as we want to enhance and
> > add lot more features, we would like to rebuild it on a new framework
> > altogether.
> >
> > The current web app had too many dependencies and the new versions of
> some
> > of these libraries have conflicting requirements. Some other libraries
> were
> > long dead. So the choice is to rebuild entire stuff on a framework where
> we
> > will not end up in the same situation.
> >
> Suggesting a web-framework is an easy task, but you as an owner have to
> personally
> evaluate the available options that fits into your needs. Personal bias in
> these kind
> of questions in open forums is pretty high. Also most frameworks would
> support almost
> all the features that you have requested.
> Having said that, i tend to lean towards django.
> -V
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