I need to decide on a python web-framework based on the below listed

   1. Ease of customization of bundled packages
   2. Ease of development
   3. Long term support of frameworks
   4. Learning curve
   5. Logging and monitoring
   6. Clustering
   7. Ease of deployment
   8. Testing: unit testing libraries
   9. DB management
   10. User management: e.g. should be possible to tie one user id to
   multiple entities
   11. LDAP integration

What would you recommend? Please share your experiences and insights
related to any of these points. Ignore the points in the list that appear
vague to you.

The existing app is written in pylons 0.9 , but as we want to enhance and
add lot more features, we would like to rebuild it on a new framework

The current web app had too many dependencies and the new versions of some
of these libraries have conflicting requirements. Some other libraries were
long dead. So the choice is to rebuild entire stuff on a framework where we
will not end up in the same situation.

Abdul Muneer

Follow me on Twitter: @abdulmuneer <http://twitter.com/#%21/abdulmuneer>
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