The name "Bangpypers - Bangalore Python Users Group"  sounds good. I can
change it to that, although not sure how the Meetup page link will change.

>          Though it might be good to know about others in the group,
> there might be people interested in joining the group, but not
> willing(or too lazy to ) add a photo/a few lines about them. Why not
> make it optional ? :) Thanks

Alright, photo can be made optional although usually people choose one of
their pre-uploaded photos of
I would still like to keep 'Introduction' to be non-optional. At least
those who would like to share a few lines about themselves should not leave
this field out thinking it to be optional.
Personally, I like to read about every member joining the group.

Also, on a separate note, I haven't seen any other Meetup group having
these two fields to be optional. The reason most likely is it encourages
face-to-face meetups which is really meant for.

Please share your views.



> --
> Thank you
> Balachandran Sivakumar
> Arise Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.
>                                                              - Swami
> Vivekananda
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Deepak Garg,
Data Center and Cloud Div.
Citrix R&D, India
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