HI Anand,

I had created this group before I learned about the BangPypers ML.
I have changed the meetup name to BangPypers April Meetup:
but I am afraid I don't think we should change the Group name. It is easy
to find the group by this name when people search on meetup.com.

Also constraint of Introduction and Photo is by default and I don't see any
issue with that, its nice to get a little background information about the
members. Please let me know if you still have some concerns.


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 18, 20
> http://www.meetup.com/Bangalore-Python-Developers-Group/events/61065672/12at 
> 2:52 PM, Deepak Garg <
> deepakgarg.i...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Done,
> >
> > Anand, can you please reply me with your contact no.
> > I want to post it on the meetup page in case anybody has any
> difficulties,
> > he/she should have someone to call.
> >
> Hi Deepak,
> Can you please change name of the group to "BangPypers - Bangalore Python
> User Group" and the current event to "BangPypers April Meetup"?
> Also, can you please remove the constraint of adding "introduction" and
> adding photo to be able to join the group?
> Thanks,
> Anand
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Deepak Garg,
Data Center and Cloud Div.
Citrix R&D, India
Skype-id: deepakgarg.iit
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