On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:56 PM, steve <st...@lonetwin.net> wrote:

Hey Shashidhar,
> Others may answer your question, I am not going to do that right away.
> I'll just offer a few suggestions to clean up your code. If you do that, I
> promise to answer your questions:
> a. Use os.path.join() to join path components
> b. You don't /have/ to read all the lines of the file into a list before
> processing it. The pythonic way would be:
> with open(filename) as input_file:
>    for line in input_file.readline():
>        ...do stuff ...
> c. You don't need to iterate over lists using numeric indexes. Even if you
> /need/ numeric index, use enumerate. So, instead of :
> for index in range(len(somelist)):
>    ...do something with somelist[index] ...
>        OR
>    ...do something with index ...
> use something like:
> for element in somelist:
>   ...do something with element...
>    OR
> for index, element in enumerate(somelist):
>   ...do something with index or element ....
> d. Don't chain string operations to just match a substring, use regular
> expressions. If you /have/ to chain string operations (for instance, to
> extract rather than match), chain them only once. So, instead of :
> if 
> all_lines_in_file[line].split(**'->')[1].split(')')[0].split("**'")[1].strip()
> == "true":
> ...
> ...
>     print "ZMP value %s" % all_lines_in_file[line].split(**
> '->')[1].split(')')[0].split("**'")[1].strip()
> ...and more such monstrosities, do either:
> stuff_that_interests_me = line.split('->')[1].split(')')**
> [0]("'")[1].strip()
> if stuff_that_interests_me == 'true':
>    ....
> or just:
> matched = re.search("->\((.*)\)", line) # or some such, depending on the
> format
> if matched:
>    stuff_that_interests_me = matched.group()
>    ....
> e. If you need one of three options as values of a dict (which I assume
> will serve as a config dict), default the config keys to something. So, do:
> config = {'MyFirstKey' : 'ASK',
>          'MyNextKey'  : 'ASK',
>          ...
>          }
> for line in all_lines:
>    ...extract stuff_that_interests_me from line...
>    if 'MyFirstKey' in line:
>        if stuff_that_interests_me == 'true':
>            config['MyFirstKey'] = 'ON'
>        elif stuff_that_interests_me == 'false':
>            config['MyFirstKey'] = 'OFF'
> ...
> HTH,
> cheers,
> - steve

> Kudos, Steve. This is definitely the best answer which I have seen in this
> discussion group, all these years.
> I think you have set an example on how an experienced hand should direct a
> not so-experienced one.
> Many Many Thanks
> Ramdas S
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