Dear Python hackers,

   I have text file. I read each line and store it in List.

   my requirement is I need to check only  6 special lines from i.e

   1. resultToPDFFile
   2. resultToPDFFileDialog
   3. resultToQdasFile
   4. resultToQdasFileDialog
   5. resultToTableFile
   6. resultToTableFileDialog

  Note: each line have value set in the end eg:  "resultToPDFFile '->' true"

   my conditions are:
    if first line mentioned above found check the value if it "true"
              set dictionary item D['PDF'] = "ON"
    else if value is not "true" then
            check for line resultToPDFFileDialog if value is "off"
               set dictionary item D['PDF'] = "OFF"
              set dictionary item D['PDF'] = "ASK"

for example these are the lines in file:

    resultToPDFFile  '->' 'true'

    resultToPDFFileDialog  '->'  'on'

 >> I have put if else condition statements exactly same as I mentioned above.
 >> now my problem is though the resultToPDFFile is "true"
 >> first time I get the value as ON for dictionary item D['PDF']
 >> When loop starts for finding other lines i.e numbers 3 & 4 from
above list my Dictionary   item D['PDF'] is becoming "ASK"
 >> the loop is entering into last else part.
 >> what is problem I am not gotting
 >> is my if else structure is wrong or not I am totally not getting
other idea please help
 >> thank you in advance.


Shashidhar N.Paragonda
BangPypers mailing list

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