On 9/14/11, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Senthil Kumaran <sent...@uthcode.com> writes:
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Am I the only one who thinks this is backward?
>> No, definitely not. But you seem to be giving undue importance to this
>> discussion by creating hypothetical scenarios.  I think, we can
>> tolerate some mistakes and just stay focused.
> Well, it did cause a long thread. I merely censured the OP for the
> inappropriate post. I gather that most of you agree that it was not
> suited for this list. So that's sorted.

I have a different understanding. I really do feel that we need to
sort out what we feel is acceptable by way of job postings. All these
years I felt that we all had a similar understanding, but seeing the
differences of opinion between Anand and yourself made me realize that
we need to perhaps discuss and arrive at a formal understanding.

> The teasing issue, a few people teased the company a little. I don't
> think that was out of place. A little light hearted humour is, in my
> opnion, a good thing. Apparently, you and Sriram disagree and that's
> what spawned off this thread.

Sorry, poking fun at a company's board of directors, etc, is in poor
taste, and cannot be condoned off as light hearted humor. Poking fun
at a company's practices, especially one which one may not yourself
practice and therefore not be in a position to comment on, is also
tells poorly poorly about that commentator. It has been only these two
cases that I've raised concerns about.

>From what I can see so far, we've only been discussing what qualifies
as a valid job posting on this thread.

> This is getting too long for for my tastes. If there is a formal
> statement on what's allowed on the list and what's not, I'll abide. I
> personally don't like a strictly enforced code that keeps everyone
> artificially super polite but like I said, I'll abide.

Noufal, I didn't ask for any straight jacketcode, etc. Please do not
paint basic politeness and courtesy as strictly enforced code. I find
your own strong arguments against that job posting to be strict
enforcement, and I can't help but think that even the merest hint of
the word "python" would have changed how you look at job postings,
even though this was one where there were very many technologies
related to what a python app would use.

My own inputs related to job postings:
- Permit a variety of tech job postings from people who are regulars.
- Permit job postings from recruiters only of these are related to
python. If these are related to Python, but not Python specific jobs,
allow them anway.
- Let us acknowledge and accept that Recruiters are not going to
understand a community's ethos (I understood this word better from the
art of community online book). Some or most of us who have dealt with
them know how they think. We can at best educate them, at worst ban
their posts.
- Job offers for .NET, Cobol, AIX, etc should obviously not be
permitted merely because of a  a token mention of the word "python".

My inputs at a larger level:
- Clearly there are differences in understanding what politeness
means. What may be light hearted fun for one, may not be so for the
other. It is upon the recepient to decide if he does not like this so
called fun, and others need to respect that.
- Clearly, there are also differences in understanding on whether we
should taunt corporates or not. Once again, anyone, especially a
representative of an organization, has every right to step in with
corrections. As I mentioned earlier on this response, I've myself
stepped in twice so far.
- We need to figure out where we stand with respect to corporates. If
we feel that corporates by and large are the community's disinterests
at heart, let us not approach them for help in cash or kind in the
future. (This is what I'd meant by hypocrisy).

> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
> I distinctly remember forgetting that. -Clara Barton
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