On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Sudheer Satyanarayana <
sudhee...@sudheer.net> wrote:

> Noufal has already replied to this. My response is to those parts that
> weren't addressed.
>> Cut the heat.
> Sorry? I do not understand what heat you are referring to.

Dont take it personally. It was not directed only to your response, but
to all the responses that seem to notch up the temperature by a few degrees

>  IMHO it was a problem with the wording of the posting
>> by the OP. If he had been more diplomatic and sugar-coated his
>> posting, most of you would have remained silent.
> Perhaps.
>  See this post on the bangalore-rug list. It mentions ruby only once
>> and among many other skills.
>> https://groups.google.com/**group/bangalorerug/browse_**thread/thread/**
>> 30d3e3dc6cdd8974/**ead6b725a2c8e55e?hl=en&lnk=**
>> gst&q=job#ead6b725a2c8e55e<https://groups.google.com/group/bangalorerug/browse_thread/thread/30d3e3dc6cdd8974/ead6b725a2c8e55e?hl=en&lnk=gst&q=job#ead6b725a2c8e55e>
>> Nobody cribbed.
> We're saying the job ad was unrelated to Python and this spam. 'Cribbed' is
> a strong word. I'd be careful in my choice of words.

Cribbing means complaining. Fairly light word. A strong word would be
something like "shouted" or "exploded" in this case.

I am quite pedagogical when it comes to my knowledge
of  English, so here is some reference.

>From urban dictionary online,


Cribbing: "Complaining, A mild form of whining".

Not much strength there.

>> Actually you can if  you word it carefully like the link I mentioned.
> You should be telling this to the OP.
>  Yes, he was not smart enough to say "Python" as one of the skills in his
>> posting.
>> That is what you are cribbing about ?
> Looks like it is someone else that is _cribbing_.
> The point I'm trying to raise here is relevancy to Python. Expressing
> opinions and debating doesn't mean cribbing.
 Of course not, but IMHO, which I am entitled to, the eruptions of
 objections, were complaints which I felt didn't have much ground. Hence the
 use of "cribbing".

>  Advocacy is good, it shouldn't turn into zealotry.
> Now you are accusing me of zealotry? Interesting. Would you justify your
> accusation?
As I said, it was not a personal comment. I happened to choose your email
to reply to the thread in general.

The list is for healthy discussions. When someone says "you", it needn't
be directed against a particular person, but to a group who express
an opinion.

You seem to be taking all this too personally. Chill.

> --
> With warm regards,
> Sudheer. S
> Personal home page - http://www.sudheer.net/about
> Tech Chorus - http://www.techchorus.net

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