On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Sriram Narayanan <sriram...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I feel that poking fun at any company's business is in extremely
> disgusting taste. This was done once about Thoughtworks (the company I
> work with) on this very mailing list.
> I didn't see any apology then by the person who did that, nor do I see
> any apology here by the person poking fun at Yahoo on this list.
> Since then, I'm convinced that by and large, we all need to understand
> better how to make bangpypers a safer place for discussions.


Please, love your language etc, but let us give the impression that
we are not a bunch of amateur kids here, but professionals who
are ready to give a bit of space for others to live amongst us.

I made the mistake of telling OK to this guy on posting here, never
going to repeat the mistake again. I had thought better of this list
in fact. My bad.

> -- Sriram
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