Anand Balachandran Pillai <> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Anand Chitipothu <>wrote:


> It is more subtler than that.
> List comprehensions are faster than map functions when
> the latter needs to invoke a user-defined function call or a lambda.
> Maps score over list comprehensions in most cases where the function
> is a Python built-in and when no lambda is used.
> Example of former:
>>>> def f1(): map(sqr, range(1, 100))
> ...
>>>> def f2(): [sqr(x) for x in range(1, 100)]
> ...
>>>> mytimeit.Timeit(f1)
> '37.91 usec/pass'
>>>> mytimeit.Timeit(f2)
> '37.50 usec/pass'
> Example of latter:
>>>> def f1(): map(hex, range(1, 100))
> ...
>>>> def f2(): [hex(x) for x in range(1, 100)]
> ...
>>>> mytimeit.Timeit(f1)
> '49.41 usec/pass'
>>>> mytimeit.Timeit(f2)
> '55.29 usec/pass'

This is confusing. Why is 

map(sqr, range(1, 100))

faster than

map(hex, range(1, 100))

Assuming sqr is implemented in python, it should be slower than hex
which is implemented in C. 



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