On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpil...@gmail.com> wrote: > IMHO, map/filter/reduce and the inevitable companion lambda were > added on to Python when it was still trying to find its identity on where > it stood in the pantheon of dynamic typed languages - since it wanted > to be everything for everyone it borrowed some of these constructs > from Lisp or other functional languages. > > With addition of list comps, generators etc, these right now stand > out like sore thumbs in the language and should be got ridden > of at the earliest.
I am certain there are contrary opinions, even though the BDFL has weighed in. So yes, python is unlikely to be the playground for these constructs. I find a degree of elegance and utility to these constructs, though it is as well likely that these may seem like sore thumbs to others. > Also, using any of the m/f/r trio with lambda is a performance killer. > See an earlier post in a different thread for more on this. Its a performance killer only for cPython - its a function of runtime not the construct. cPython is likely to stay a poorly performing runtime for these. I do hope PyPy will fare much better - but that remains to be seen. These constructs also help parallelisation (but only when combined with immutability), and thats a feature python is likely to be therefore unable to implement as far as I can imagine. Is this a big deal - frankly no, since the sweet spot of python is pretty broad. _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers