On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/8/1 Dhananjay Nene <dhananjay.n...@gmail.com>:
>> On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Asif Jamadar <asif.jama...@rezayat.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> What if I have two lists for both minimum and maximum values
>>> Minimum  Maximum
>>> 0               10
>>> 11              20
>>> 21              30
>>> 31              40
>>> Now how should I check if actual result is not laying between above ranges
>>> if not minimum<=actual_result and  not maximum>=actual_result:
>>> Any suggestions?
>> def in_range(number) :
>>    return any(map(lambda (x,y) : x <= number <= y,
>>                  ((0,10),(11,20), (21,30), (31,40))))
> How about this?
> def in_range(number, min_max_pairs):
>    return any(x <= number <=y for x, y in min_max_pairs)

Definitely better
> List comprehensions and generation expressions are usually more
> readable and expressive than using map.

Thats probably truer for the python and python trained eyes than any
other (in other words its both subjective and contextual and a bit to
do with syntax). Allow me to illustrate :

If I want to double all elements in a list and then increment them by
one, here's how I would use a map in python

def double(x) : return x * 2
def increment(x) : return x + 1
print map(increment,map(double,range(5)))

and here's how I would do it in scala - notice the last (third) line
and consider its readability (I'm sure a scala non-novice will offer
something even superior)

def double(n: Int) = n * 2
def increment(n: Int) = n + 1
println(0 to 4 map double map increment)

so readability is often a function of what one's eyes are trained ot
read and also the syntactic capabilities in the language

I also find map much more atomic and portable construct to think in -
after all every list comprehension is syntactic sugar around map +
filter, and map/reduce/filter are far more omnipresent than list
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