When reviewing a resume, we simply ignore the years of experience. It
matters little, since what we care about is capability, and there are
other indicators of that (like an active github account to name one).
Our interview process involves writing code; perhaps not as much as
we'd like, but enough to get a fair idea of where someone's stands.

For that matter even our salaries aren't linked to years of
experience, so I'm sure you can tell I'm not much of a fan of the idea
when applied to programming jobs.

> ( in django , etc ) does it mean that free and open source developers who
> use these technologies
> in their free time (and not in their day jobs) are NOT experienced ?
We actually prize this kind of experience far more because it tells us
that that person enjoys writing code enough to contribute to open
source, and can code well enough to have patches accepted by a
project. Furthermore, we get to actually see some real, live code
that's running in the wild written by the candidate.


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 6:51 PM, kunal ghosh <kunal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I read a lot of emails in this list and others, posting job offerings.
> They all list, "years of experience" required by a candidate to be
> considered for the job.
> But what is the metric to measure this experience. If it indirectly means ,
> "corporate experience"
> ( in django , etc ) does it mean that free and open source developers who
> use these technologies
> in their free time (and not in their day jobs) are NOT experienced ?
> Even though they might have worked with those technologies for a much longer
> duration than
> the "experienced" ones ?
> looking for comments, suggestions and constructive criticism.
> --
> regards,
> Kunal Ghosh
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