Too many contradictions and strawman arguments in you mail, so here goes...
On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 06:18, Ramdas S <> wrote: > I am sorry to say, but I guess you are reading too much into what I had > written, and using your vivid imagination to come with ideas which was never > implied. > > The only point I wanted to drive to the gentleman who said he will offer > free training, that any* service offered freely* has* no value* in *our > society*. If someone needs *to do charit*y, then do it a community that > probably deserves, not to a bunch of software professionals, who has means > and ways of paying for it. I am of this firm opinion and from my own little > experience in the past. I suggested student community because an average > student needs to depend on scholarships or parent's income to learn > something more. If there are communities outside students, that deserves > please go ahead. I *never made an exclusive statement *of schools and > colleges. From,, "I have 5 years exp using Python/Django i want to give free training to all" -- so Mr Rao, was offering it to 'all' not a "bunch of software professionals", which was your misinterpretation. > Kenneth as I understand is *offering nothing free*. He is charging* > 25,000*for mentoring someone to be a Django/Python developer spending > his personal > time, energy and sharing his vast experience. He says exercise would take > 1-3 months. Personally I feel he's charging low, but I am sure he has his > economics right! > > It *does not in anyway make it a community* effort. Kenneth or anyone in > this list has any such notion, or even making any such claims. I am not able > to understand where you formed such an opinion that we are passing this off > as a community effort. No we are not, and as far as I see there's *commercial > in square brackets* in the subject of the mail. > > However if a few more experienced hands like Kenneth comes forward and > creates a few more Python developers it would help the community. This I am > very clear. > > He is offering a service, and he is expecting to be paid for it! It's no > different from a service offered by some one else or by you or me. Strawman. The statement "community that deserves" was yours, not mine. And, fwiw, I had "set aside the 'free vs non-free debate' (read, not commented anything about it in my mail), so please read mails properly before making so many strawman arguments which are so many that it would end up wasting list members time, so do excuse me for withdrawing from the pointlessness. -- vid ॥ ॥ _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list