Okay as i concern we are realistically about this also interested in ,so now
it wake call to every one i also start looking trough my networks from
twitter ,you-tube ,python communities for make it happen if there is how
many persons from there heart is with us so why can't we do this  now i am
gonna put all my effort to make successful this one first meet up in Delhi.
also i try to use liken-in python groups also try to search some
professionals ,volunteers,students every one who is inters-ed in python
.Anubha ,Gora ,Neha ,Noufal thanks all for support me. specially Neha you
also gonna to speared these words with Every  possible social link for the
sake of python developers........so i am hopeful every one is gonna to make
suceesfull this event so i gonna all "Delhi & NCR " user come up stand with

regards vikas ruhil

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Gora Mohanty <g...@mimirtech.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Anubha Dadhich <sethi.anu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Can we please take this decision to *delhi only* mailing list.
> [...]
> You are right. However, please bear with us for a little longer,
> while we get such a list set up. This list has traditionally
> been the pan-Indian Python list, so I ask for people's patience
> for just a little longer.
> Vikas, as you had volunteered for this earlier, it is up to you,
> and others interested, to drive this effort. As mentioned
> earlier, I do not have too much time to devote to this, and
> also am not entirely happy with a Python-only group: I feel
> that it further fragments an already weak community. So,
> the order of business should be:
>  - Set up a mailing list, and find moderators. A Google, or
>    Yahoo group might work, but many people do not like
>    the idea of being forced to join Google/Yahoo in order
>    to subscribe to such a list.
>  - Create some publicity through mails in local LUG lists:
>    the ILUG-Delhi list, and the IITDLug list have already
>    been pointed out.
>  - Find presenters for the first event. As Noufal points out,
>    it might be good to start with a half-day event. The venue
>    can be JNU, IIT-Delhi, or some NCR college: I can help
>    arrange that, once speakers are found.
>  - If you are going to be gone till the 25th of Feb., it is
>    probably best to start on all this after you get back,
>    unless you can work on this from the US, or there is
>    someone else ready to take up the load.
> Regards,
> Gora
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