On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Anubha Dadhich <sethi.anu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can we please take this decision to *delhi only* mailing list.

You are right. However, please bear with us for a little longer,
while we get such a list set up. This list has traditionally
been the pan-Indian Python list, so I ask for people's patience
for just a little longer.

Vikas, as you had volunteered for this earlier, it is up to you,
and others interested, to drive this effort. As mentioned
earlier, I do not have too much time to devote to this, and
also am not entirely happy with a Python-only group: I feel
that it further fragments an already weak community. So,
the order of business should be:
  - Set up a mailing list, and find moderators. A Google, or
    Yahoo group might work, but many people do not like
    the idea of being forced to join Google/Yahoo in order
    to subscribe to such a list.
  - Create some publicity through mails in local LUG lists:
    the ILUG-Delhi list, and the IITDLug list have already
    been pointed out.
  - Find presenters for the first event. As Noufal points out,
    it might be good to start with a half-day event. The venue
    can be JNU, IIT-Delhi, or some NCR college: I can help
    arrange that, once speakers are found.
  - If you are going to be gone till the 25th of Feb., it is
    probably best to start on all this after you get back,
    unless you can work on this from the US, or there is
    someone else ready to take up the load.

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