On 11/24/2010 02:07 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
On Wed, Nov 24 2010, Venkatraman S wrote:


 True. I dont think sharing the slides is going to do any harm in any
 case; especially when the speaker is not known well; though its the
 speaker's discretion to share or not.

 Actually, i attend most of the sessions/conferences only when the talk
 agenda/slides are available in advance.


I haven't really decided. There's a mix of slides and notes. Some of it
will be online. I'm still undecided about how much.

Firstly, wish you the best with this !! Like KG mentioned, we could do with some more python programmers.

On the topic of slides/notes, IMHO, free (as in freedom) documents are good. My recommendation would be to make your slides/notes available (possibly for a fee) under a CC-BY-SA (and possibly NC) license. This might also help people who cannot/do not want to attend the training but would like to buy/download the courseware.

I understand completely the point about the time and effort it takes to create content (having conducted trainings myself) but that's a one time investment. Having free documents /might/ help you improve them via suggestions/patches from others.

just my opinion.

- steve
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