On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 08:26 +0530, Roshan Mathews wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 08:08, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-11-23 at 19:18 +0530, Roshan Mathews wrote:
> >> This sounds fantastic.  I wish was in Bangalore (or able to travel
> to
> >> Bangalore) to attend.  Do post slides, or any other material you
> >> present later on.
> >
> > did you check out the link?
> >
> Yes.  Didn't notice that it was a paid lecture till I saw the
> registration page though.  But that's that.  Why is it relevant? 

well, if it is paid lecture, normally slides are only available to those
who pay. And anyway, having watched Noufal teaching python at last
year's conference, I would say his lectures would be worth every paisa.
We are desperately short of python programmers and we need more
initiatives like this to fill the gap - otherwise suits opt for lesser
languages because they are afraid they cannot get people to maintain
their code if the team they employ vanishes.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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