For the back-end, I would say start with CherryPy. Personally, I have found
it very intuitive to work with. And contrary to popular belief, the CherryPy
web server has very decent performance. It ranks with the very best of
Python wsgi web servers (

Move to apache when you have to.

For thick client, I would suggest look at the Enthought python distribution,
and its Traits/TraitsUI packages.
Its a very intuitive way of creating applications.
Given you have WxPython on your system, TraitsUI can create
visualizations/change notifications very easily for you.
Also added advantage is that the client that you create is both a command
line utility and a GUI (if you want to draw it on screen).

Vishal Sapre

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <>wrote:

> On Monday 07 June 2010 11:21:59 Gopalakrishnan S wrote:
> > TCL/TK is good option for development but it is very old but currently
> > maintained framework. I would rather prefer using *wxPython*.
> >
> have you looked at dabo?
> --
> Regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Associate
> _______________________________________________
> BangPypers mailing list

Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre

"So say...Day by day, in every way, I am getting better, better and better
"A Strong and Positive attitude creates more miracles than anything else.
Because...Life is 10% how you make it, and 90% how you take it"
"Diamond is another piece of coal that did well under pressureā€
"May we do good and not evil. May we find forgiveness for ourself and
forgive others. May we share freely, never taking more than we give."
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