On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 13:15:12 +0530
Jins Thomas <jinstho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Current requirement is like we are planning to build such an
> application which should have
> 1.  (Web) client gui  which can connect to a database, run some
> perl scripts at the back end, gives back the results in the gui
> (results can be some tabular inputs, paragraphs, charts,
> schematic diagrams etc.)

I would definitely recommend Django over something like web.py.
Django is quite easy to get into in terms of basics, and you
can explore further features as needed. With web.py, I would
suspect that you would eventually end up writing your own framework.

If you want to run Perl scripts, you could consider looking at
Catalyst, a Perl web framework (never used it myself, but have
heard many good things about it).

> 2. It should have some drag and drop facility and connect the
> objects  to configure some rule sets, saveas options etc.

Drag and drop should probably be a front-end task, say jQuery
driven. Others can be done.

> Basically there are some quite a bit debates happening whether it
> should be a web gui, or a thick client (which connects to the
> database).
> Would some body please advice when free on
> 1.  Whether web.py itself is the good option for building this
> kind of framework.
> 2 . How easy would it be to  build such an application in python
> (Currently i should rate my python skills to be almost beginner
> level)
> 3.  I was looking for some frameworks like vaadin in a python,
> does anybody knows about such a framework.

Not sure what vaadin is, but as mentioned above, I would go with

> 4. For all this frameworks, we need apache like webserver right.
> I found web.py's independent sample webserver, Is it advisable to
> use such a webserver to avoid other third party installations.

You can run Django through Apache, or other web servers.

> 5. What's your opinion on Web client vs Thick client for such an
> application. If it's thick client, architects here  are forcing
> to use TCL/Tk to build. But my feel is it's lacking look and feel.

Ack! Tcl/Tk in this day and age?

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