Thanks Bill, I got it working with your help.

> On 23. Oct 2024, at 19:19, Bill Arlofski <> wrote:
> On 10/23/24 10:59 AM, Justin Case wrote:
>> I used this in an admin job, but no verify/admin jobs older than 6mo got 
>> deleted:
>>   Runscript {
>>     RunsWhen = "Before"
>>     RunsOnClient = no
>>     Console = "delete from job where (type in ('V', 'D') or (type = 'B' and 
>> jobbytes = 0 and jobfiles = 0)) and starttime < now()-interval '6 months';"
>>   }
> Hello Justin,
> That will not work as it currently is.
> The reason is that the `Console =` option is meant to send only bconsole 
> specific commands to the Director.
> Also, I always recommend to not use the Console command at all and instead 
> use the `Command =` option and point it to a small script for a few reasons:
> - Any output from the Console command will be logged as `JobId: 0` and will 
> not be logged to the catalog, and it is confusing to see random JobId: 0 log 
> entries intermixed with other job log entries in the bacula log file.
> - Using a script, all of its stdout will be logged in the job that called it, 
> so you can report progress of a script simply by using the `echo` command in 
> a shell script.
> - You have full control of what happens in a script and the order of events. 
> `Console =` cannot be guaranteed to run in the order specified in a Job (If 
> you have more than one)
> So, I would do something in a small script like:
> ----8<----
> #!/bin/bash
> # First, SELECT using the same SQL command so you have in your job log what 
> jobs were deleted
> echo -e "sql\nSELECT jobid, name from job ....\n\nquit\n" | bconsole
> # Next, DELETE using your SQL command but it needs to be passed to bconsole
> echo -e "sql\nDELETE from job where ....\n\nquit\n" | bconsole
> ----8<----
> Notice that `echo -e` is used. This allows us to send multiple commands using 
> the `\n` (line feed). We need this because we have to first put bconsole into 
> its `sql` mode so we can send the SELECT and DELETE SQL commands.
> Also notice there are two `\n` after the SQL commands and before the quit 
> command. This is
> so we "Terminate query mode with a blank line." as the bconsole sql command 
> tells us when we enter that mode. :)
> Hope this helps,
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill Arlofski

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