I used this in an admin job, but no verify/admin jobs older than 6mo got 

  Runscript {
    RunsWhen = "Before"
    RunsOnClient = no
    Console = "delete from job where (type in ('V', 'D') or (type = 'B' and 
jobbytes = 0 and jobfiles = 0)) and starttime < now()-interval '6 months';"

> On 22. Oct 2024, at 14:37, Justin Case <jus7inc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you so much Martin,
> it all makes sense now! regarding (4), the old jobs are on volumes in state 
> Error, those do not have an expiry date.
> What do you suggest how to proceeds with these? purge the old volumes in 
> Error state and then run a pruning, will that clear out the old jobs?
>> On 21. Oct 2024, at 17:28, Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:15:16 +0200, Justin Case said:
>>> I have browsed the catalog database a bit more and I saw one thing that 
>>> might explain the problem I am having, but I don't have sufficient 
>>> technical background on the Bacula implementation details of different 
>>> versions.
>>> I am running bacula-dir 15.0.2 and bacularis 3.1.0. The Bacula manual and 
>>> Bacularis offer “Job Retention” and “File Retention” in the pool resource, 
>>> supposedly overriding the same fields in the client resource. I am not 
>>> using these fields in the client resource, and in the client table there 
>>> are the job and file retention default values.
>>> I am only using the job and file retention fields in the pool resources in 
>>> Bacularis.
>>> What irritates me is that in the pool DB table there are no columns for job 
>>> and for file retention!
>>> Are these values stored elsewhere or has my DB not been initially set up or 
>>> not correctly upgraded?
>>> If the pool resource retention values for jobs and files are missing in my 
>>> DB this would mean that bacula-dir is using the values from the client 
>>> resources, which is consistent with what I am seeing (with 2 exceptions):
>>> The oldest jobs are 6 months old (job retention default value). Exceptions: 
>>> (a) catalog backup jobs go back to the date when the installation was set 
>>> up (b) two other jobs have altogether 4 instances that are older than 6 
>>> months.
>>> So open questions for me are:
>>> (1) where are job retention and file retention stored for the pool resource?
>> They are read from the config file.  You can confirm the values by using the
>> "show pool" command in bconsole.
>>> (2) if in the pool table, why does my pool table not have corresponding 
>>> columns for job and file retention? How may I fix this?
>> There is nothing to fix.  Even for the client, the value originates from the
>> config file and is stored in the DB when bacula-dir starts.
>>> (3) why are there catalog backup jobs older than the default job retention 
>>> of 180d in my catalog, they should have been expired?
>>> (4) why are there 4 other job instances older than 180d?
>> I don't know.  Can you show the output from "llist jobid=<nnn>" where <nnn> 
>> is
>> the jobid of some of these jobs?
>>> Bonus questions:
>>> (5) it seems that only jobs of types Backup, Copy Job and Copy (Migration 
>>> also? I dont use those) are pruned. Is this the correct behavior? 
>> Yes, that's what happens.
>>> (6) Is there a builtin mechanism to expire and prune Admin jobs and Verify 
>>> jobs?
>> Probably not usefully.  The problem is that these job types don't have a
>> meaningful "pool" or "client" in the job definition, so Bacula doesn't prune
>> using the expected retention periods.
>> I run an admin job that does this to remove them (and also jobs with no 
>> data):
>> delete from job where (type in ('V', 'D') or (type = 'B' and jobbytes = 0 
>> and jobfiles = 0)) and starttime < now()-interval '2 months';
>> __Martin
>>>> On 20. Oct 2024, at 12:21, Justin Case <jus7inc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill,
>>>> please find my response inline below:
>>>>> On 19. Oct 2024, at 22:59, Bill Arlofski 
>>>>> <w...@protonmail.com<mailto:w...@protonmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 06:15, Justin Case 
>>>>> <jus7inc...@gmail.com<mailto:jus7inc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> I am wondering why I am seeing in my catalog lots of jobs older than the 
>>>>>> JobRetention defined in the pools, and also older than the default 
>>>>>> JobRetention assumed for the clients.
>>>>>> The volume recycling seems to work fine adhering to the VolumeRetention 
>>>>>> in the pools.
>>>>>> To me it is a mystery, probably be cause I overlook some dependencies I 
>>>>>> am not aware of.
>>>>>> Can someone please help me understanding this.
>>>>> Hello Justin,
>>>>> From the rest of this thread, it appears that your prunining is working 
>>>>> as configured/expected.
>>>> I doubt that, at least no as intended.
>>>>> Where are you seeing the old jobs? bconsole? BWeb? Bacularis?
>>>> Bacularis.
>>>>> They could be coming from the `jobhisto` table.
>>>>> And you can prove this by querying the `job` and `jobhisto` tables and 
>>>>> compare the results.
>>>> job has all the jobs
>>>> jobhisto is empty
>>>> Still sounds to me like job expiry not work as intended - maybe config is 
>>>> wrong, but I don’t understand where the mistake is. You find the config 
>>>> excerpt in my initial post.
>>>> Can you help?
>>>> All the best,
>>>> J/C

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