Mandi! Dan Langille
  In chel di` si favelave...

> From 
>  :

I'm still doing some experimentation on this, indeed.

> It doesn't all run as incrementals. If the list of DATASETS (see above URL) 
> does not change, the fileset does not change.

OK, but if mountpoint change, so change root path, so... how can bacula do
incrementals, if all path are different?!

I can use script for the list of path to backup; i can use 'Ignore FileSet 
Changes = yes'
(but if i use script i think it is not needed...) but how can bacula do

> Oh wait, I think I realize something. The snapshots do not have to be 
> explicitly mounted to be available for backup (at least on FreeBSD).

Never minded about that. Probably you can mount a snapshot with
'-o mountpoint=...'. But now i'm curious...

> Is this the problem you are trying to solve? mounting the snapshot to back it 
> up?

Yes. But i need incrementals too. ;-)


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